Page 78 of Fate Loves

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I glance at Amy in the mirror and guilt rushes through me because I wish my mom were here to see me. My vision blurs as my emotions get the best of me. Again. I blink repeatedly to dry up the tears. Cherrie will kill me if I ruin my makeup before the wedding even starts. Blotting the corner of my eyes with my fingertips, I laugh.

“I wish she was here,” I admit.

“Addie, I do, too.” She stands beside me and links her fingers through mine, hanging our hands at my side. “You look so much like her. I was going through some old photographs and came across this.” She pulls out a photo from her dress pocket. I carefully take the photo in my hand. It’s a picture of my mom and Amy in front of a building that looks like a dorm.

“Were y’all in college?”

“Mmm-hmm. That was our graduation day. We left for Mexico the day after.”

I look over at her and she flashes a knowing smile. “When she met Travis?” She nods. I look back to the picture. Two beautiful women in short shorts and crop tops. I tilt my head, studying it. Running my finger over my mom’s image, I certainly see our similarities. I glance at myself in the mirror and then look down again. I inhale deeply and blow it out slowly.

“Thank you,” I say handing the picture back to Amy.

She pushes my hand back. “No, you keep it to remind you that she’s with you today.”

I hold it over my heart. “I’m so glad you’re here with me. I don’t want you to ever think because I miss her that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me.”

“Addie, I don’t ever question the love you have for me.”

“And I don’t think I could have taken in Lexi without the devotion you have shown me most of my life,” I say, looking at her in the mirror.

“I don’t believe that.” She places her hand over mine as I hold the picture against my heart. “You have a huge heart, guarded a little, but when you finally let people in, you keep them in your heart and hold on tight.”

The love between us reflects in the mirror. The love of a mother and daughter on her wedding day. Someday this will be Lexi and me, and I can only hope that our connection is this strong.

“I love you, Amy,” I whisper.

“I love you, Addie.” We stay silent for a few more moments. She stands tall and squeezes my hand before releasing it. “It’s almost time. You are marrying a wonderful man. And he’s getting quite anxious, so take a few minutes and then come downstairs.” She kisses me on the cheek and walks out of the room.

I stare at the picture in my hand. “You gave me the perfect person,” I say to my mom.

“I agree.” I jump at the sound of a man’s voice behind me.

Spinning around, I pick my dress up so it comes with me. Turquoise blue eyes meet mine. “Travis.” He’s leaning in the doorway and his smile reaches his eyes.

“Wow. You look…gorgeous,” he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

“Thank you,” I say, looking away, feeling shy suddenly.

“I didn’t know if I should come,” he says, his voice hushed. “I’m not staying, though.” I look up to him, and he pushes off the doorframe, walking toward me. “Aiden knows I’m here.”

My brows crease and I nod. “It’s okay. I’m happy you’re here.” Seeing him here causes guilt to build inside me because I didn’t ask him to walk me down the aisle. He didn’t expect that, did he? While Ted hasn’t been in my life except the last nine years, he’s still been more of a father than any other man. Including the one standing in front of me right now.

But he is my father.

I peek down at the picture in my hand. “God, she was beautiful,” he rasps. “May I?” I look at him and he sticks his hand out. I place the picture in his hand gingerly, like it’s going to break if I’m not careful. He takes a deep breath and exhales as he stares at the picture. His eyes gloss over when he hands the picture back to me, which makes mine tear up. I look up to the ceiling. I’m going to need to stuff my bra with a freaking box of Kleenex if I can’t get my emotions in check.

“I have something for you,” he says, bringing my attention back to him.

“Is it going to make me cry?” I blot my eyes with my fingers, drying the tears. His eyes dart around the room, not knowing how to answer. I shake my head. “I was kidding, Travis. Everything seems to be making me cry today.”

“I can’t promise it won’t, then,” he says, his lips lifting into a half smile, shrugging. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out something. “I don’t know if this is considered something old or something new, but…” He holds his hand out. I place my mom’s picture on the table and hold out my hand. He places a small black jewelry box in my palm. “I bought these for your mom. She left before I could give them to her. I’ve kept them all these years because they represent the love that I had for her.” I slowly open the black velvet box. “I want you to have them.”

I let out an audible gasp. The most exquisite earrings catch the sun’s light making it dance around the room. Each earring has a round diamond encased in platinum and a teardrop diamond hanging from it. By the size of the diamonds, I can tell these earrings were very expensive.

“They’re flawless, just like your mom.”

“Travis…” I pause because it’s hard to stop gazing at them. I manage to look away and up to Travis. “They’re beautiful. I don’t know what to say.”

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