Page 161 of Knot Her Fight

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She’s mine, too.

Usually. But today we have a major surprise for her, too.

When she feels my inner curtain drop suddenly, her brows fold in suspicion. What are you up to, Menace?

I grin. You’ll see. We have plans for you.

Glowing green orbs narrow at me. Does this have anything to do with how secretive Tris has been recently?

I pout, knowing she’ll sense my lie even before I think, What?! No!

Instead of getting annoyed, she shakes her head, fondness filling her eyes. “And here I thought you worked alone.”

“Not anymore, baby,” I admit, unable to help the way genuine happiness touches the words when they echo in our bond.

Not anymore.

“Just hold still,” I grunt, shooting Ave a glare. “Goddamn, kid. It’s a suit, not a straitjacket.”

He fidgets with his solid black sleeves, flashing his signature murderous look. “I take it back. I’m officially complaining about these dumbass clothes.”

Yeah, no shit, I chuckle internally. This is important to our girl. Just a couple more hours…

I hope.

Truth be told, I have no idea how long this ceremony is going to last, and I’m not exactly a huge fan of wearing a suit in the Florida heat, either.

It’s warm, for an April day. Serena and Spencer get to wait inside, along with all the other graduates. The rest of us are fine baking in the sun, but I hope this weather won’t be too much for Remi…

As I have the thought, Tristan steps up beside me, hiding a smirk as he nods at the solid figure cutting through the university quad. Cassian stands as tall as I do, easily noticeable over the heads of all the other attendees.

He’s frowning, but what else is new? I’ve started to suspect he’s grumpy on purpose, sometimes, to earn himself extra time with our sweet sister-in-law.

That would never work on Serena, Tristan thinks with pride. She’d figure us out in two seconds.

He has a point. It’s a miracle she hasn’t unriddled her surprise yet. Tris has been killing himself to keep it completely secret, but our omega is brilliant.

Case in point—we’re at her graduation, and she’s only been in school for two years.

It helps to have your professor inside your head, Serena quips. Makes it sooooo much easier to cheat.

All three of us snort at Spencer’s internal scoff of outrage. As if I would ever allow that, Mrs. Thorne.

Serena’s musical laugh fills our bond, lighting everything up. Oblivious to the way we all grin at each other like idiots, she asks, Is Remi here yet?

Tristan sends a mental image of Smith Pierson melting the flesh off of someone’s face as they accidentally step in her sister’s unsteady path.

Oh, yes…

Damon brings up the rear, turning and offering charming smiles to everyone Cassian and Smith have just growled at.

Relatable, I think, casting Avery and Tris a glower.

Avery pulls at his collar again and Tristan rolls his eyes. “I’m not that bad,” he mutters, watching while Smith runs his anxious eyes over Remi’s profile.

All four of us blare back at him in the bond.

Um, yes you are, I laugh.

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