Page 162 of Knot Her Fight

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HA! Avery exclaims. You’re hilarious.

No, Spencer puts in drily. You’re worse.

Serena’s tether glows with happiness. Don’t listen to them, Senator. I happen to like it.

Tris still hasn’t wiped the shit-eating grin off his face when the Piersons finally make it over. He shakes hands with Smith and gives Remi a careful once-over.

Avery slaps Damon’s shoulder and exchanges grunts with Cassian while I hug Remi from the side, careful not to get my scent on her or squeeze her enormous middle.

“How are you feeling, little sis?” I ask, grinning down at her huge baby bump.

Well, babies bump, I guess.

When everyone found out Remi was having twins, Serena was overjoyed. I think, in a way, the two sisters getting to go through this together has been healing for them.

Tris and Smith haven’t had any luck finding out what happened to their mother. But my hummingbird once told me, while we were lying in our garden, that not knowing didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would. She likes to imagine Alana flying free, wherever she may be.

In the meantime, knowing that she’ll get to watch her sister’s twins grow up has really helped Serena make peace with all the time they lost. I wonder—if our girl is ever ready for babies—whether having some of our own will be another big step in coming to terms with her past. The same may be true for Spencer and Avery, too.

Seeing Remi carry her babies has definitely gotten all of us thinking about the future. We’re in no rush, though. The most important thing is that Serena gets where she wants to go and has everything she needs.

That’s clearly the Pierson’s only goal for their omega, too. If having two humans inside of her distresses Remi at all, I can’t tell. So far, she’s been one of the happiest pregnant ladies I’ve ever met.

A wide smile graces her slightly drawn features. “I’m good! A little tired. They were playing tetherball with my bladder most of the night.”

Avery can take all the gore and violence in the world, but he looks a little squeamish as he cringes at Remi’s big belly and the purple pleated sundress draped over it. “You guys are done after these two, right?”

Damon snorts, wrapping his arms around his omega. “Hell no! We all have to have a turn!”

Serena told me they don’t know which alpha fathered these particular babies, but I guess we’ll find out fairly soon. Still, three alphas and two babies a piece…?

Remi rolls her eyes. “If you each get your own set of twins, that’s six babies, Trouble.”

He grins at her. “Exactly! We’d have our own hockey team!”

The wash of horror that floods Avery is enough to have Tristan and I hiding snickers. And then, a moment later, we’re all swallowing a bit of longing, too.

Spencer’s voice interrupts my musings, announcing that it’s time for us to find our seats. Thankfully, they’re reserved and we don’t have far to walk.

Cassian winds up between Remi and me while we shuffle into the second row of folding chairs. “So, how are you doing?” he grunts in his grumbly way. “Missing the field yet?”

Last fall marked my first season as a retired NFL player. And, really, I was surprised how much I didn’t miss playing. The game will always mean a lot to me, and I definitely miss seeing my teammates every day—but we’re around the Ash Pack so often, these days, it honestly doesn’t seem like I’ve given very much up.

Especially when our house and our pack run so much better with me available to help Tristan and care for Serena every day.

“You know,” I tell him, sitting down. “It’s actually been really good.”

It helps that our omega is so appreciative of every small thing I do for her. There’s never been a single day where she’s let me doubt my value—to her or the others.

Once everyone is settled, “Pomp & Circumstance” begins to play. That shuts everyone up—even Avery, who finally stops fussing with his damn shirt.

The graduates file in. And for once I’m grateful I’m the biggest guy in the whole damn crowd because I get a perfect view of our omega, draped in her white graduation robe.

She’s nervous. I can feel her heart fluttering through our bond. The moment our eyes meet over the rows of people between us, though, a burst of confidence and joy fills her.

This is it, she whispers, just to me.

I swear, I must look like the world’s biggest sap, getting misty-eyed just from looking at her and hearing her voice. This is what? I reply.

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