Page 160 of Knot Her Fight

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Fuck me, she’s so beautiful. Even in a ripped-up Ospreys T-shirt and those little exercise shorts she likes to wear when she’s kicking ass at our gym.

There’s no time for that today. As soon as I finish this piece, we’ll be on the go.

And I have to wear a fucking suit. Although this might be the one time I won’t mind.

Or won’t complain, at least.


I can tell my girl is listening to my thoughts when a soft tendril of love creeps through our tether. I grin to myself, showing her an image of me kissing the hell out of her as soon as I’m done.

Which will be right… about… now.

I click my machine off, setting the needle aside. “Alright, you big blond pussy. You’re done.”

And I’m officially responsible for the fact that there’s a fat, fuzzy peach tattooed on a grown man’s ass.

The things I do for love.

I barely have a second to stretch and try to dial down my glare before my omega senses my mood. Casting Meg a knowing look, Serena flounces right over and jumps into my arms.

“Thank you, Menace,” she says, wrapping her lithe legs around my hips. “Now I owe you.”

I glower at her gorgeous face. “Everyone in this damn room owes me, kitten.”

Meg scrambles up from her spot and runs over, ducking around the partition to see the finished product before I slap a bandage over it. She squeals, bouncing in place while Serena hides a smile against my neck.

Theo’s face has lost all traces of pain. He grins back at his omega and then bounces his eyebrows. “Sexy, right?”

“Soooo sexy,” Meg gushes, bending to kiss his furry face. “The hottest tattoo in the pack for sure.”

Declan rises to the bait, coming over to sweep her into an openly suggestive kiss. Meg giggles against his lips before breaking away, winding one arm around her quarterback and dropping her free hand to pet Theo’s long hair.

She looks over at us, suddenly remembering something. “Oh! Serena! I have something for you.”

She moves to the purse she left beside the bedroom door and drops to rummage through it. “Really, it’s a gift from me and Remi. I know you’re going to see her later, but I wanted to be the one to give it to you before you leave on your trip!”

Meg fishes out a rectangular box and hands it to Serena, paying no mind to the way I’m snuggling my omega into my chest. “They’re sort of a tradition,” Meg chirps, returning to Declan. “It took us a while to find the right ones for you, though.”

My girl flips the lid open and reveals a pair of gold, heart-shaped sunglasses. They’re shiny, with exaggerated angles and the words “bad bitch” engraved along the side.

Serena laughs. “Oh my God, thank you! I love them. They’re just like yours and Remi’s!”

Meg shrugs. “We’ve wanted to get you some forever, but you only wear bougie accessories—Remi finally custom-ordered those because we couldn’t find any other gold ones! Now you’ll have them when you’re lying on the beach next week.”

Jonah, Serena, and I all share a beat of excitement at the mention of our vacation. For good reason.

It legit took us two years to agree on a place. Spencer wanted something historic. Jonah wanted to surf and lie on a beach. I wanted to do some adventure traveling. And Tristan was aiming for a romantic angle.

In the end, Serena picked the locale—two weeks traveling from Japan down to Thailand. Plenty of culture, designated beach time, and we get to ride elephants.

Not to mention the moony way she and Tris look at each other every time someone mentions the cherry blossoms in bloom this time of year.

We’ve been on lots of little trips since we bonded, but this one is supposed to be a “honeymoon.”

Two years late. Though, lately, I got the feeling our girl knew exactly where we were going all along—she just liked listening to us bicker and the way we all spent an hour after every pack meeting huddled around Tris’s laptop, researching together.

Sparks fly through her gaze while she settles her new glasses on top of her hair and leans back to look into my eyes. Only took you a year-and-a-half to figure it out, she thinks. This is why you’re my partner-in-crime.

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