Page 15 of Blurred Lines

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My knees are weak,my heart is pounding, and I have the urge to jump up on Shaw to continue that kiss. But I’m not sure where he stands, hell I’m not sure where I stand. My thoughts are fuzzy, and I don’t know if it’s the aftereffects of the intense kiss that we just shared or the alcohol running through my blood. I’m not sure where to look, but I can’t bring myself to look at Shaw.

“You two sure that you’ve never kissed before?” Sloane asks.

Neither of us say anything, but finally our eyes meet. I see heat in his stare and can feel the blush covering any exposed skin.

“Hello? Earth to Summer? Earth to Shaw?” Sloane steps between us, breaking the intense moment, and my eyes fixate on her.

“Hi,” I say quietly.

“You okay there?” she asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m going to—I’m going to go to bed, I’m beat and yeah,” I walk out of the kitchen narrowly missing a wall. As I turn into the hallway, Shaw’s voice stops me.

“Wait,” he calls. When I turn around, his eyes are pleading for me to stay.

“It’s been a long day, I’m tired,” I lie.

“Sum?” he whispers as my hand grips the doorknob and I freeze. I slowly turn towards him.

“Can we just talk about this tomorrow?” I ask him.

“I can’t. I don’t want to let time to go by not address what just happened in there,” he says.

“It was a silly game that Sloane conjured up, let’s chalk it up to that,” I tell him. “Remember, we’re drunk.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. You felt what I did,” he says, stepping closer so that he is towering over me. He pulls my hand in his and laces our fingers together. My eyes capture each second as if in slow-motion.

“Shaw,” I say.

“Look at me, Summer?” he asks, and I do as he requests without hesitation.

“That in there wasn’t a game. It felt real to me. Please tell me that you felt it too?” he asks.

I say nothing, but I nod my head slowly.

“So, I wasn’t imagining that? The intensity?” he asks.

“No,” I whisper.

“I need to get Sloane and Luke out of here,” he says abruptly.


“Don’t fall asleep, please whatever you do, do not fall asleep on me,” he says before turning and walking around the corner.

I sigh and open the door to the bedroom. I sit on the edge of the bed and fall onto my back with a thud, bouncing slightly on the mattress.

What happens now? Do we pretend the kiss never happened? Do we go about business as usual?

I touch my lips and stare at the ceiling, remembering the feeling of his lips on mine. How at first the kiss was tentative. How the kiss deepened and how amazing that it felt. Never did I think that I would have been drunkenly standing in the kitchen kissing my best friend, and never before did I think that I would like it so much and want to kiss him repeatedly.

A light tap on my open door alerts me to Shaw’s presence.

“May I come in?” he asks from the doorway.

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