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Chapter Six

Where is he?

I haven’t seen him all day, and he would have made his way across the floor by now.

I look at the clock on my desk, it’s almost lunch time and his lack of presence is very uncharacteristic. Why am I waiting to see him? Even though my thoughts from the other night keep drifting into my mind.

I sigh and look through my email, I click on a calendar appointment from him that he sent shortly after the impromptu meeting in his office the other day to speak to the whole department.

Who has meetings on Friday’s? That’s just slightly annoying.

“Why do you look like you’ve eaten a lemon?” Shane props himself on the edge of my desk.

“I do not,” I protest.

“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” he asks.

“Just making sure my copy is clean and ready.”

“What copy?” he asks looking at my computer screen, where the calendar is up.


“Oh, I just closed it. What are you doing over here?” I ask, since his area is on the other side of the floor and around the corner.

“I wanted to see if you wanted to grab some coffee with me?”

“You know that I hate the coffee here,” I whine.

“Yeah, but I think that you could get out of your cubicle for a minute and stop sulking over here.”

“I’m not sulking, I’m just tired.”

“Oh really, and why’s that? Did you have a date last night?” he asks with an arched eyebrow.

“No, but Steph did.” I say standing and we begin walking to the office kitchen.

He nods knowingly. “She meets a lot of guys and by that, I mean with her private parts.”

“Don’t slut shame her. She’s just going through a phase and enjoying life.”

“Honey, she’s been going through a phase for about as long as I’ve known you. I’m not slut shaming her, I like that she doesn’t abide to society’s rules, but man, is she trying to prove something to someone?”

“No, she’s just having, as she puts it, the time of her life.” I sit down at one of the tables in the kitchen as he pours himself a cup of coffee. He takes a seat at the table and smiles.

“I wish I could get laid as much as she does.”

“You and me both,” I laugh.

“Do you know who I think is positively gorgeous?” Shane leans in and whispers.

“Who?” I lean in just as much.

“Our new boss.” He says.

I’m not shocked. Quinn is hot, case and point my session last night. And he’s definitely Shane’s type. And a wild guess is that Shane isn’t his.

“Oh yeah? Well, I don’t want to burst your bubble, but he’s not gay. At least, not that I can tell, anyways.”

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