Page 86 of No More Heartache

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She breathes deeply and I can feel her smiling against my shoulder.

“You are ravishing.” She inhales and pulls back, still grasping my arms.

Max is standing behind her with a smile on his face. “I see mom found you, she basically walked in the door saying your name, didn’t even acknowledge her son.” He says in the entrance.

Our parents seemed to get along great, my mother kept most of her smart comments to herself, I notice her staring at Max quite a number of times. Max’s mother, true to Davis’s warning, would gaze longingly at me when I would be speaking. At first it was creepy, but I felt flattered after a while. We are all in the backyard enjoying the warm summer night. I had Max’s mother sitting beside me on my right and Max on my left. My mother took a seat beside Max and was enamored with his depiction of the past several months. I’ve never seen her so enthralled in a story about me before, perhaps it was the storyteller.

I had excused myself to refresh drinks, and Max’s mom offered to join me. We’re in the kitchen refilling the water pitcher.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you guys were having a dinner. Your parents are…”

“Special.” I interrupt, finishing her sentence in the nicest of ways.

“I was going with eccentric. How are you dear?”

“I’m good. Tired more so than the first trimester, ready for the babe to vacate it’s current spot and scared, really scared.” I admit. I haven’t voiced that out loud, not even to Max.

“Oh honey, I think that’s run of the mill standard feelings for every new parent. You guys will do great as parents. Plus, I’m so close, that I’m only a phone call away if you need anything, even to vent.” She offers.

“Well, speaking of which. Max and I were talking the other night. He should probably be asking you this but, meh why not. Would you be interested in watching the baby a few days a week after I go back to work?” I nervously wring my fingers together.

“Only a few days? I could do all week if you want?” She offers.

“Really? You would? Really?” I’m speechless and tears have started to fall. I’m such an emotional blubbering mess.

“Oh honey, of course.” She places the cup of water she was holding on the kitchen counter and hugs me. “I would love nothing more than to spend my days with my grandbaby.”

“Oh I’m so glad. Thank you.” I say sniffling and hugging her back.

A cleared throat behind us startles me and I pull away from Max’s mom, and Max is standing there looking between the both of us with a concerned look.

“You guys were in here for a while, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright, is it?” He asks tentatively looking back and forth between us.

“I’m going to be spending my days with your daughter, so I’d say everything is perfect.” His mom exclaims.

Max’s face relaxes as he walks over to me.

“Thanks mom. That means a lot to us. Um, Tate… your mom started rubbing my leg. I think she needs to sit on opposite sides of the room from me from here on out.” He smiles sliding his arm around my waist.

“She does seem to be crushing on you.” I smile looking at him.

“I’m a two woman man, and my woman is standing next to me and the other is in her belly.” He says as he leans down and kisses me briefly.

His mom gushes and clasps her hands together causing a distraction and for us to remember that she’s standing within reach of the both of us.

“I’m so glad you found one another. Thank you for brining my boy back, Tatum.” His mom hugs us both, grabs the water pitcher and returns to the backyard.

“Um?” I look at him.

“You know that I wasn’t all this in love sappy hunk of a man that you see in front of you today.” He jokes.

“Yeah, I’m glad I could assist in turning you into mush.” I retort.

“Your mom is seriously creeping me out.” He says as we start walking back to the backyard to join our families.

“Yeah, she has that effect on people.” I mutter as we step outside.

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