Page 85 of No More Heartache

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My entire bodyis vibrating in anticipation as I start the oven and set the timer for dinner tonight. My parents and Max’s parents will be here any moment and I feel like I’m sweating like a horse. I’ve changed my dress for the third time in a row in the duration that Max has been in the shower. I hear the shower shut off and I run into the bedroom.

“I can’t do this. I just can’t do this. Let’s cancel.” I pace the bedroom.

He steps into the walk in closet with his towel around his waist, looking delicious.

“Not a chance babe. As soon as I called my mom, I had to stop her from coming over that moment, there’s nothing keeping her away from this house tonight. She’s given us a lot of space, but once we open that can of worms, it’s going to be hard to keep her away.” He smiles as he slips on some boxers. My eyes are fixed on his package as I feel warmth spreading. I know that I licked my lips because I can see the blaze of heat in Max’s eyes.

“Can we just….” I started yet was halted by the doorbell. “Damnit.” I stand, look at Max longingly and leave the room practically stomping all the way to the door.

“Trisket!” My father bellows as I answer the door.

“Hey daddy, come in.” I move to the side, so my parents can enter.

“Baby, you look gorgeous. I’m so excited to meet this fella. Why has it taken so long?” My mother asks as she hustles past me as she kisses the air in my direction.

“Well, for one you guys live in the middle of nowhere, and rarely visit. And two, life has been busy.” I answer.

“Poppycock!” My father says.

My parents are opposites. They’re opposites of each other and I’m completely opposite of them. I have grown up with the idea that I was adopted and they just never told me. I don’t look like either of them and our personalities are so far off, that if we were together in public, we would look like strangers standing next to each other. We get along fair enough, sometimes my mother is distant and seems like her only interest is herself, whereas my father is quirky and doting so far. My mother has preferred to not acknowledge my pregnancy, which is fine by me.

My father is short and round, with balding brown hair and a pornstache. While my mother looks like Olive from Popeye and screams gaudy by her fake pretentious tone and the overuse of her hands while talking. They claim that my genes stem from my father’s side since he has a slight tan and has some Italian heritage, since my mother is pale as a ghost. I love my parents, but they’re a little much to deal with in large doses, sometimes small doses as well.

“I apologize for taking so long to get ready. I got off work late. I’m Max, and welcome to our home.” Max says as he strolls into the room, with his hand stretched to shake hands with my dad. My mother turns and gapes at him. He acts like he doesn’t notice my mother drooling on our floors and shakes her hand as well. My mother hasn’t uttered a word and for that I’m shocked, nor has she closed her mouth.

“Very nice to meet you son. It’s a nice place you have here. I apologize for my wife, she doesn’t meet many… people. We tend to keep her tied up in the dungeon.” My dad says with a smile to Max.

Max looks to me as I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

“Mom, Dad would you like something to drink? We don’t carry alcohol in the house, but we have plenty of other selections.” I offer bringing them closer inside the house.

“I would love a vodka cranberry.” My mother rights herself and takes her eyes off of Max to address me, however steals glances at Max.

“We don’t have any vodka, but we do have cranberry.” I answer her getting annoyed. It’s too early in the night to lose my cool. Too early.

“No vodka? Oh dear.” My mother fakes a faint.

“I’m pregnant, remember. I shouldn’t be drinking.” I point to my stomach.

“I drank with you.” She supplies.

“That explains so much.” I mutter turning to the kitchen as the doorbell rings again.

Suddenly, Davis and Katrina run into the kitchen.

“What the hell?” I turn around. “Did you seriously ring the doorbell?”

“My mom is one minute away, I wanted to prepare you. She’s going to hang all over every last word you say and she’s going to hug the shit out of you. She kept saying that it has been too long.” Davis whisper yells.

“Um okay.” I have no idea what to say.

“Just a warning, She has been flying off the walls all week since Max’s dinner invite.”

The front door opens again and sure enough a tall very attractive older woman walks into the kitchen and settles her eyes on me. She looked worried at first, then she relaxed and held out her arms to me. The tension in the kitchen, you could cut with a knife until I walked into her embrace.

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