Page 11 of His to Win

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The idea of a secret affair is rather tempting, but I’m too smart for that. The last thing I want to do is fall for an unavailable man. Heartbreak—my own—is not on my list of things to do.

I pause in front of the mirror and smooth a hand over my slick-backed hair. After applying a bit of lip gloss, I slip into my heels and I feel ready to conquer anything.

Unfortunately, I had know idea that my one-night stand was about to come back and haunt me in the form of an imposing nemesis.

The drive to Holloway Corp. takes about what I’d expect it to considering the office is in downtown Manhattan. After leaving my Hellcat with the valet, I pause when I spot a very familiar midnight blue Jaguar parked at the curb, right near the front entrance. I pause midstep, my fingers tightening around my briefcase, and frown. Is that Enzo’s car? I wonder. No, it can’t be. What would he be doing here? He has no business here. Still, a slightly sick feeling fills my stomach. Pushing it aside, I walk inside the building, get in the elevator and take it straight up to the fifteenth floor.

Doug’s company consists of about ten employees and the office itself is small, but in a nice building and area. It’s a tech company which is new ground for me, but I’m really excited to expand my knowledge and learn more about how to make it successful again. As a holding company, my main purpose is to own stock of other companies and be able to share strategic decisions, but limit shared liabilities. In other words, if a subsidiary does well, I benefit from the dividends. And, conversely, if they do poorly or even declare bankruptcy, Gabana Holdings LLC isn’t affected. It’s a win-win situation.

As the elevator door glides open, I lift my chin, roll my shoulders back and prepare myself to win Doug’s approval and company. Even though it’s been a little neglected lately and business hasn’t been great for him, I can turn all that around with some damn good ideas that I have. In this case, my company would hold one-hundred percent of the subsidiary, Holloway Corp. Normally, we just own enough stock to control it. But, I’ve got a good feeling about this one. I want it all. And, as far as I know, I’m the only one ready to make an offer. If he’s ready to sell, I’m ready to buy.

My confidence is at an all-time high as I walk into the small office where Doug stands talking to a tall man with dark hair. I can only see the other man’s back, but something is familiar about him. The broad stretch of his shoulders beneath his suit jacket, the slight waves in his thick chocolate-brown hair…and then he laughs.

Yeah, I know that deep, husky laugh anywhere. When Enzo Rossi glances over his shoulder, meets my surprised gaze and smirks, I start to smile back, wondering what he’s doing here, but still almost stupidly happy to see him.

Until the pieces click. Oh, no. The beginning of my smile disintegrates as I realize what he’s doing—he’s trying to steal this deal right out from under me. But, no, that can’t be right. He wouldn’t do such an awful, heinous thing. Would he?

My eyes narrow slightly as Doug introduces us.

“Hello, Gabriella,” Enzo says, dark eyes twinkling. “How are you?”

“Oh, you two know each other?” Doug asks.

“Vaguely,” I murmur, not about to admit to myself or anyone else that this gorgeous man had his head between my thighs and gave me more orgasms than I’ve ever had in one night. Enzo’s eyes flash with annoyance at my answer, but I don’t care. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have a chance to tell you yet,” Doug interjects, “but Mr. Rossi is also interested in obtaining my company.”

Fucking traitor. I grit my teeth together and keep my composure even though I want to throw a daggered look Enzo’s way. Or, better yet, an actual dagger. But, I remain cool and keep my attention on Doug. Damn, I deserve an Academy Award for this performance.

“Is that so?” I keep my tone neutral even though I’m seething inside. The urge to scream and throw things at Enzo’s head is overwhelming, but I ignore it. If Doug wasn’t standing here right now, I’d lose my shit. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry in my entire life.

“That’s right,” Enzo says smoothly. “It’s a good opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.”

Oh, the nerve of him. If it weren’t for me, he’d have no idea what an excellent opportunity it really is. Idiot, I chastise myself. I never should’ve told him about the company or asked for his stupid advice. Everything we discussed is now being used against me.

“Hmm. Mr. Holloway hasn’t publicly announced his intention to sell yet. How may I ask did you find out?”

“A little birdie told me.” Then he has the audacity to wink at me. Fucking wink! I want to beat my fists against his stupid chest and then hang him by his tie from the nearest light fixture.

“How lucky for you,” I say coolly. “But that doesn’t change anything. Mr. Holloway, I’m ready to begin our meeting whenever you are.” My goal is to acquire Doug’s company and Enzo Rossi can go fuck himself.

“Yes, please, go ahead. I don’t want to hold you up, Doug.”

Doug. Well, how nice that they just met and are already on a first-name basis. I’m been chatting with Mr. Holloway for weeks and wouldn’t dare call him by his first name unless he invited me to do so.

“Appreciate you stopping in, Mr. Rossi,” Doug says and they shake hands. “And, remember that golf tip I gave you. Elbow up.”

“Elbow up,” Enzo repeats, and they both chuckle.

My skin crawls and I hate how chummy they are already. That doesn’t bode well for me and my heart sinks. Fucking boy’s club. I’ll never be a part of it and trading golf secrets could be the one thing that Enzo uses to beat me and win.

But I refuse to give up. I’m going to have to re-think my approach, get more personal. Racking my brain, I know Doug just lost his wife last year. Bingo. That’s the route I’m going to have to take and, in return, share about my father. Besides, losing a loved one is much more personal than a fucking game of golf.

“Alright, Ms. Bianche, shall we?” Doug asks, pointing to the small conference room. I nod and sweep past Enzo. Our gazes meet and the ice-cold look I send his way should freeze his balls off. Because after pulling this little stunt, I realize he has an awfully big pair. He doesn’t dare say a word to me as I march into the other room, my head held high.

I hate him, I think. How could he do this to me? I told him how important this deal is to me and then he snuck around behind my back, charmed Holloway, and is trying to steal my big opportunity to impress my family away from me.

Asshole. Grinding my jaw, I force myself to draw in a deep breath and relax. Focusing on my presentation is key right now. I can’t let this little setback throw me off kilter and ruin my presentation. Later, I can worry about Enzo.

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