Page 12 of His to Win

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Because here’s the thing—I am just as smart as that man. If he thinks he’s going to just swoop in here and easily steal this company away from me with minimal effort then he has a big surprise coming his way.

After opening my briefcase and pulling out two bound presentations, I sit and clasp my hands together, trying not to dig my nails into my skin. While Doug and Enzo share some other comment, most likely a little tip about having a dick, I cross my legs and try not to squirm in my seat.

I’m livid. Even though I know Enzo doesn’t owe me any loyalty, my stupid feelings are hurt. After I trusted him with inside information and after spending an amazing night together, he stabbed me in the back. I think what this boils down to is I never would’ve done that to him. If he had placed his confidence in me, I wouldn’t have used it against him for my own benefit.

Doing my best to keep my game face on, I glance up when Doug enters the room and sits down across from me. Time to get over my being butt-hurt and win his approval. But before I can even get started, Doug speaks.

“I’m sorry about that, Ms. Bianche,” he says, sounding very genuine. “I had no idea there would be another interested party, but when Mr. Rossi called me last night and explained how he was interested in my company, I had to hear him out.

“Of course,” I murmur, doing my best to keep a straight face.

“He said he could come in before my meeting with you and share his plans. And, I’m not going to lie. I like him, I like his plans for Holloway Corp., and I’m seriously considering accepting his offer.”

His words are like a knife through my heart. But, he’s a businessman and if Enzo wants to stroll in and offer more money, how can I fault him? Still, it pisses me off to no end. Time to play hardball.

“May I ask what his offer is?”

My confidence takes a nosedive when he shares the very generous amount. It’s more than I’ve offered and, personally, I don’t feel like Holloway Corp. is really worth that price. At least not in its current floundering condition. So, it seems like Enzo purposely offered more money to screw me.

Even so, I nod and realize this is becoming about more than just acquiring Holloway Corp. This is now a challenge that I can’t back down from because if I do, I’ll look weak. And Enzo will always think he’s the better and smarter businessman.

Well, fuck that. This just became personal and this businesswoman is going to pull out all the stops to impress Doug Holloway.

Two hours later, Doug and I are on a first-name basis and now we’re the ones laughing like old friends. We’ve commiserated together about how awful it is to lose someone you love and the best way to move forward. He’s sharing family recipes with me and I’m telling him where the best farmer’s markets in the city are. My confidence is soaring again and I’m feeling so good about our meeting. Connecting on a personal level is important and I want him to know he can trust me with his company.

After one of the best meetings I’ve ever had, he walks me to the elevator and shakes my hand. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better, Gabriella,” he tells me. “I like all of your ideas and think you’re a good girl. But, I’m going to be upfront and transparent. I like Enzo and his plan, too.”

I struggle not to show my emotions and merely force a nod.

“I need time to think about both offers,” he says. “I hope you understand.”

“Of course. And I appreciate your transparency.” Somehow, if I had a dick, I feel like I’d have a better chance. After thanking Doug for his time, I get in the elevator and have the horrible feeling that Enzo is edging me out. With each floor that passes, I grow more angry. And, when the door finally glides open, I am absolutely furious again.

I worked too hard on this deal to have it yanked away at the last second by some jerk. Enzo doesn’t need Holloway Corp. I do. This is the way I’m going to prove to my family, once and for all, that I am a force to be reckoned with and they should be taking me seriously. I’m not a joke, I think, feeling a strange burning sensation behind my eyes.

Tears. God, I don’t remember the last time I cried. It’s been years. I pause, suck in a deep, steadying breath and allow the fury to settle and the sheen over my eyes to dry. Even though I want to keep it together and hope that Doug makes the right decision and chooses me, I’m not so sure that’s going to happen. Doubt floods me, no thanks to that traitor.

Once I’m back in my car, I tap an annoyed finger on the steering wheel then turn the car on and hiss, “Fuckit.”

I’m going to go confront the enemy. Enzo has no idea that he just declared war and I vow to beat him at his own game.



After leaving Doug Holloway’s office, I tip the valet for watching my car, then get inside and consider what I’ve done. Was it a dick move? Sure. But that’s the name of the game. If Gabriella wants to play with the big boys then she needs to realize she won’t always win. That’s a lesson everyone has to learn. Even I did. It comes with the territory. Sorry not sorry.

Turning my car on, I still smell her delicious honey scent. Uncharacteristic guilt floods me, but I quickly shut it down. I refuse to feel bad about taking advantage of a good opportunity and wanting a chance to make more money. She’s doing the exact same thing.

When she first walked into Holloway Corp. and saw me, her caramel eyes lit up and she started to smile—like she was truly happy to see me. But then a shadow flickered over her beautiful face and she shut down fast as she realized why I was there.

“You had every right to call Holloway and set that meeting up,” I grind out, spinning around the corner and heading toward Hudson Yards. I spend the rest of the ride home trying to convince myself that I did nothing wrong. But, I know deep down that it’s not exactly true. Gabriella confided in me and I took full advantage.

Dammit. Now is not the time to develop a conscience. I need to take responsibility for my decision and accept that her feelings are going to be hurt. Especially after Doug sells Holloway Corp. to me. Because let’s face it, Gabriella doesn’t stand a chance of beating me. She’s too new at the game and I’m just too damn good at it already.

What does it matter, though? We’re over. It was a one-night stand and nothing more. It’s not like we’re in a relationship or she’s my girlfriend or, God forbid, we’re in love or something crazy. She took off after a great night of sex. Am I still a little peeved that she ran off like a thief in the night without so much as a goodbye? Yeah. But, whatever. That’s life.

It was more than a great night, though. It was fucking epic on every level and just the thought of what happened between us makes my dick hard. A part of me was hoping maybe we could have a replay before she left. But if she wanted to extend our tryst, she never would’ve run out on me. Right? Unless she panicked and freaked out.

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