Page 10 of His to Win

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By the time I flip the water off, step out and dry off, I know exactly what I need to do. Shaking my wet head, I slip into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and head downstairs. After making a steaming cup of espresso, I walk down to my office with determined steps.

The bright sunlight streams in through the large windows as I sit down at my desk, flip my laptop open and get ready to do some serious digging. Although Gabriella was very careful not to mention the name of the company she’s interested in buying, I can find anything if I put the effort into it. I also have the world’s most competent assistant and I call him up first.

“Good morning, Marco,” I say cheerfully, drumming my fingers on the desktop. Even though it’s Sunday, Marco knows that he needs to be available every day and pretty much at any hour.

“It’s a little early,” he grumbles.

“Is it?” I pretend not to notice. “Well, rise and shine. I have a job for you.”

“One sec.” I can hear him rustling around and I wait patiently. “Okay, what can I do for you?” he asks, sounding a little more alert and like his usual no-nonsense, bend-over-backwards- to-help me self.

“There’s a company for sale that I want to know everything about because I might be interested in acquiring it.” Is it a dick move to go behind Gabriella’s back, use all the intel she gave me and beat her to the punch? Sure. But, I’m a businessman first and from what she told me, this might be an opportunity I don’t want to pass up. If there’s money to be made, I want to know more.

“What’s the company?” Marco asks.

“Not sure,” I admit.

“Sorry, I don’t follow,” he says, sounding confused. “How can you buy the company if you don’t know?—”

“I have details,” I interrupt, reaching for a pen. My mind remembers everything when it comes to the details, especially about a business. And, also when it comes to the way Bri moaned and twisted as my mouth licked and sucked her sweet, untouched pussy.

Shit. I give my head a clearing shake and focus on writing down all of the specific things she told me—the company’s history, track record, financials, statistics. As I jot them down, I share them with Marco. He’s got a lot to go on and I have absolute faith he’ll be able to figure out which company it is that Gabriella is so interested in scooping up.

After hanging up with Marco, I start searching for information about Gabriella and her company which she inherited from her father, Gabana Holdings LLC. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out it’s a neat combination of her first name and her mother’s first name. I plummet down a rabbit hole, finding all the juicy tidbits I’m looking for—how her father passed away from cancer and she, as the only child, inherited Gabana Holdings LLC. It’s a holding company, or umbrella corporation which merely means it’s a parent company that buys and controls the ownership interests of other companies. Curious about how many subsidiaries they own, I dig further.

Less than two hours later, I know so much about Gabriella Bianche and Gabana Holdings LLC, you’d think I’ve known her for years. I’m still taking notes when my phone rings and I see Marco’s name flashing across the screen.

“What have you got for me?” I ask, getting right down to business.

“The company is Holloway Corp.,” he informs me without preamble. Marco is direct and to the point. He doesn’t waste time and that’s one of the qualities that makes him such an asset.

“Holloway Corp., huh?” I immediately type it into my search engine and a bunch of links pop up. “Okay, good work, Marco. I’ll be in touch.”

I disconnect the call and do a deep dive into Holloway Corp. After I do a few, quick calculations, it doesn’t take me long to come to the same conclusion that Gabriella did. It would be an incredibly smart move to buy the company.

I know Gabriella wants it—is at least considering buying it—but now so am I. My brain knows it’s a good move and could bring in a nice steady flow of income once the initial problems are addressed and resolved. This is the kind of shit I live for and it feeds my ambition and desire to make as much money as I possibly can. It’s important to me to take care of my family and all of my smart business decisions have filled the Rossi coffers. Hell, they’re overflowing and we’re billionaires. Of course, I can’t take all the credit. We have a wildly successful vineyard in Sicily and produce some of the most delicious wines on the market. Vin recently took over running the day to day operations at Rossi Vineyard with his wife, Hannah, and business has never been better thanks to their leadership.

Yeah, I’ve never been one to walk away from a challenge or a potential windfall. Letting out a long breath, I decide to go after Holloway Corp., too. Picking up my phone, I punch in Doug Holloway’s private, personal phone number, courtesy of Marco, and prepare to set up a meeting with the current CEO.

Even though this is business as usual, a part of me feels slightly bad. Almost like a traitor. But, you know what? I have every right to make an offer, too. Maybe Gabriella should’ve kept her plans a little quieter and not overly confided in me like she did. That’s a big faux paus on her part and I’d be a fool to ignore a potential source of income.

After setting up a meeting with Doug, he informs me that there’s another interested party, and I smirk. Goddamn, I can be a ruthless bastard. What can I say? It’s the combination of mafia and billionaire blood in me. I want what I want and nothing, not even a honey-scented temptress, can deter me.

Besides, all’s fair in love and business. And may the best man—or woman—win.



Today is the big day and I’ve never been more prepared for a meeting. I’ve gone over all of my notes more times than I can count, down to the most finite detail, and I’m ready to dazzle Doug Holloway with my presentation.

After getting up extra early, showering and carefully applying some light makeup, I pull my thick, dark hair back in a sensible bun at the base of my neck. As I get dressed in a smart designer suit, I notice a bruise on my hip. Courtesy of Enzo Rossi and his very large hands.

A little thrill zings through my body and I can’t help but remember our night together. It was the most amazing sexual encounter I’ve ever had and I’ll give credit where credit is due. Enzo is a generous, experienced lover who touched me in a way no other man ever did before. He makes me want more. But, I know that isn’t possible. Neither of us has time for a relationship. We have empires to run.

Still though…

The idea of one more night with him is beyond appealing. Pressing my lips together, telling myself to forget it, I reach for my perfume bottle, a lusty honey delight, and spritz myself. Getting too involved with Enzo is a bad decision in more ways than one. I can’t forget that our families hate each other, too. That’s a pretty big deal breaker.

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