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"Miss McKnight! Please sit down. How are you? It's been what ... ten years since I saw you last?"

"Ten years and five months if we're being specific. Daddy told me I was in for a surprise but I had no idea that this was what he meant."

"Yeah ... um so you went the business route? I thought you would take after your dad and become a writer or ... "

"I was never much of an academic. Actually I love business ... and fashion. I made a deal with my dad to study business after fashion school. So here I am."

"That's great. Your ... um ... your resume is excellent. Well, um ... I look forward to working with you. Hope you're settled in. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Thank you, Sir."

I stare at the door after she leaves, and finally let go of the breath I’ve been holding. Fuck, she's gorgeous. I quickly chide myself for being so affected by her. I turn toward my computer and try to focus on my work. Throughout the rest of the day, I try to focus but her long dark hair, deep brown eyes, and that beautiful smile of hers continue to flash before my eyes.

I stand and walk over to the large window that displays a stunning view of the city skyline and put both my hands on top of my head. I let out a deep sigh.

What in the world is happening to me? I think to myself as the vision of Amanda McKnight cements and hardens into my mind.

Chapter Three


It's been one week and five days since I saw Leonardo Mendez. Working with him has been both exciting and intriguing. Samantha was right about the way he ran the place. Everyone is scared of him. With him, it's either go hard or go home. I’m not surprised, as he's always been so serious and businesslike. When he used to visit us, I would sit beside him and ask him tons of questions. He would reply as best he could, but I'm sure he was irritated by me. I wonder what he thinks of me now. There's something about him that draws me like a magnet. I love how matter-of-fact he is, but it seems like there's not much else in his life apart from work. He is softer with me, possibly because of my dad, and I'm grateful for it. Perhaps I could get closer to him and find out why he's so serious all the time.

"Amanda ... I mean ... Miss McKnight, can you come to my office immediately?" He says over the telephone.

"Yes Sir," I reply. The sound of him calling my name is just amazing.

I head to his office and knock on the door.

"Come in, Miss McKnight."

As soon as I walk into the room, I sense that something is very wrong. Esther White, his PA, is standing in front of his desk with a terrified look on her face. Mr. Mendez's brows are knotted in anger.

"Have a look at this, Miss McKnight," he says, handing me an open file. "Miss White here tells me that you approved those numbers. I find that incredulous as I know that this file hasn’t even landed on your desk yet as it's not ready for approval."

I look at Miss White's face. Her eyes tear up.

"Yes, Sir. I did. But I had no idea that you hadn't approved them. Esther prepared it and sent it to me to have a look before you gave the final approval. She just wanted to make sure it was accurate before you received it, Sir."

Leonardo looked from me to Miss White. "Hmm. Alright. You can go Miss White, but next time please obey orders. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," she answers hurriedly and leaves. She mouths a 'thank you' in my direction as she leaves the office.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Amanda ... I mean ..."

"Amanda is fine, Sir. I assume 'Miss McKnight' is a bit of a mouthful."

He laughs and nods his head.

"Are you always like this?"

"Like what?" He answers.

"Like an army general?"


"You remind me of an army general or a Navy Seal drill sergeant."

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