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I’ve known Kevin McKnight for about 20 years and I love to get under his skin. It's what best friends do after all.

"How's California? We should catch up sometime."

"Yeah. I have had that in mind for a while. But you're so busy running billion-dollar companies."

I laugh as I enter the elevator leading to my office. "So have you set a date?"

"Not yet. I'll let you know when I decide. Um ... you know my daughter right? Amy?"

"Yeah, sure," I remember Kevin's daughter very well though it's been almost 10 years since I saw her last. I remember how talkative and inquisitive she was as a little girl.

"Yeah. She just got a job at your company. You know that right?"

"Whoa. I didn't. I mean I knew that we hired a new business analyst but I had no idea she was your daughter. That's amazing! She's all grown up!"

"Yeah. She's going to be working closely with you, ok. I just want you to mentor her. Don't let her settle. She's capable of more than she believes."

"Not a problem man. That sounds exciting. You must be so proud of her."

"I am. I know you're a very busy man so I'll leave you to your business. Thanks a lot, man."

"We're going to catch up for a game of golf sometime. Let me know if you're still Tiger Woods or if you've retired."

"Oh, I'm no Tiger Woods, but I bet I could beat your ass up."

"Tough talk. Alright then. Put your money where your mouth is."

Kevin laughs, "I'll talk to you later, Mendez."

I smile as I walk briskly to my office, nodding to the brief greetings of everyone.

Kevin and I have come a long way and he's been there for me through thick and thin. Even though life and our different career paths slightly pulled us apart, we still meet from time to time to catch up and play golf. I remember how I felt when he told me that he was getting married again. I was excited and happy for him but a part of me was also slightly jealous. I remember when he went through his divorce. That was so tough on him, and Amy. I always hoped he’d find love again and be happy, just as he deserved to be, especially after all that shit he went through. Now he’s found an amazing woman, and sometimes I wish I could experience what that feels like.

It's been almost five years since I dated, and though Kevin has pestered me to the point of annoyance about "giving love a second chance", I just can't seem to. I don't even have the time for that sort of thing. But I am happy for him. The way he talks about his wife, Rochelle, is incredible. I wonder if he’s still mad about me not attending the wedding, but I just couldn't get out of New York at that time because of all the important deals I had to close for the business. I hope the gifts I sent them will make up for it, but knowing Kevin, my presence would have been the best gift of all. He deserves everything and more.

I settle into my office and turn on my computer. Having been named the new CEO of AlGage Tech came as a surprise but Mr. Gage seems to have a lot of faith in me. Naming me as his successor, in the wake of his retirement, is incredible but his shoes are pretty tough to fill. AlGage isn't what it used to be and I'm determined to do anything to make sure it gets back to the number 1 spot in the tech world.

"Esther, please send Miss McKnight in."

"Um ... you mean the new business analyst, Sir?"

"Yes, Miss White. Oh, and I hope you have those documents ready for the deal with city hall?"

"Oh ... not exactly Sir ... b ... but they'll be ready before noon. I'm ..."

"Miss White, when I give you a deadline, it's not a suggestion. Do you understand that? I need those documents on my table in the next two hours. Please do not make me doubt your competence."

"Y ... yes sir."

I sigh in anger as I put down the receiver and face my computer. I hate delays and sluggishness.

There's a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Good morning Mr. Mendez."

"Good morning Miss ..." My breath catches in my throat as Amanda McKnight walks into my office with a smile on her face. I didn't know what to expect but man she is absolutely stunning! Kevin's little precious daughter has grown into a beautiful young woman. The force of my instant attraction to her stuns me for a moment. I immediately catch myself.

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