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His eyes meet mine for a few seconds and he turns away. I don't know what it means but it was definitely exhilarating. I feel my pulse racing as he smiles at me.

"I see you didn't lose your wit as you grew up."

"My wit?"

"Yeah. It's something you had when you were little."

"And you probably found that annoying?"

"Yeah ... I mean no ... well, what I mean is ... "

I laugh as he fumbles with telling me the truth.

"It's fine. I was annoying and a bit of a spitfire. I don't know if it's my place, Sir, but you could loosen up a bit. I mean, on people."

He sighs and sits down, gesturing for me to do the same.

"I'm not intentionally difficult, Amanda. I just want people to be efficient. Being soft will only make people take advantage of that and become ineffective. It's bad for business, as you know."

"Being soft doesn't mean being lenient, Sir. The thing is, people here want to please you but they're scared of you. When you talk down to them, it discourages them. Trust me when I say that no one here is a slouch. I know I’ve only been here a short while, but they love working here and they do like working with you. They believe in your vision for this company, but they could do a lot more with some encouragement and positive feedback."

He looks at me intently and I can't help but blush as his bright blue eyes seem to pierce into my soul. He smiles and leans back on his chair, running his fingers through his salt and peppered hair.

Is he flirting with me?

"You sound like your dad."

"Uh ... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"It's a good thing," he laughs. "I'll take what you've said into consideration, Amanda."

I get up to leave.


"Yes Sir," I turn to face him.

"Thank you." Our eyes lock again and his gaze sweeps over me in a way that makes me instantly warm all over.

"You're welcome … Sir."

I walk briskly back to my desk and sit down on my chair. Samantha Elizabeth is making drinks so I take this opportunity to try and calm myself. I place my head in my hands and shut my eyes. Being around him is heady stuff.

What's happening to me? I think to myself as I take deep breaths. How long is this going to go on? I'm supposed to be working here and with him. How do I keep myself from feeling this way? I have no business feeling like this about this man but I can’t help myself. And his eyes ... ohh his eyes ...

I shake my head vigorously enough to cause a potential aneurysm. I try to blur out the images of his strong muscles bulging out of his gray shirt and his day old stubble, wondering how that might feel on my naked body. No! I force myself to concentrate on the work I have on my desk. It works for a while until I get home. I fall asleep wondering what it would feel like to be held in those strong arms and him dominating me. Again. And again.

Chapter Four


Of all the women in the world, why did it have to be Amanda McKnight? I can't seem to get her out of my head. She's unlike all the other women I have dated. I love the way she teases me and how matter-of-fact she is. She doesn’t mince her words. Kevin raised an exquisite woman indeed. I find myself thinking about her day and night. I look for her when I'm in the office. I steal glances at her whenever she's making one of her stunning presentations. At night, in my bedroom, she's in my thoughts. I have never wanted to have anyone this bad before and I could, couldn't I? Don’t I have the right to love and happiness like everyone else?

Sure you do, except she's your best friend's daughter, Leo!

I close my eyes at the thought. But what if she feels the same way? Is it wrong? She's an adult, after all ... a beautiful, sweet, intelligent, amazing adult. I have never felt this way about anyone before and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of this becoming something incredible. I just need to find out if she feels the same way. That's all. If she does, nothing on earth will stop me from having her.

I clench my fists as I think about her. Whenever she walks past my office to the boardroom and smiles at me, I'm overtaken by a strong desire to have her for myself … invite her into my office and bend her over my desk, right here, right now …

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