Page 14 of Spike

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C – I’m alive. Your first guess was correct.

He responds immediately.

P – I’m going to need every detail. And when I say every detail, I mean EVERY detail.

C – I’m not sure if I should be scared or flattered? You’re not going to steal my man and hold him captive are you...

P – How did you know? Did you see my basement?

Giggling, my fingers fly over the keypad.

C – Oh, I thought that was for some kind of role play. I’ll give him a warning. Just a heads up, he’s pretty moody so you’ll probably have to drug him.

P – Noted. Tell me, do those lips taste as good as they look.

C – You’ll have to wait and see.

With a laugh, I switch off my phone and take my towel, heading to the showers. I don’t love the idea of sharing a shower, but they’re secure and nice, so I can’t complain. It’s late, and the shower block is outside of the dorm building, so I’m certain I should be alone. Shuffling quietly down the hall, my towel over my shoulder, I walk outside the main door and to the left, into the female shower. I find a cubicle and step inside. Closing and locking the small door, I hang my things up and turn the shower on.

Stripping out of my clothes, I step in and let the warm water rush over me.

Just as I finish up and turn the water off, I hear the creaking of the main door, alerting me that someone is coming in. I hear hushed voices and quietly get dressed as they near closer. It’s only when they are close that I can hear the low rumble of a male voice. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but it’s definitely a man. Eyes widening, I go dead silent, not wanting a man to know I’m in here alone.

Then, I hear a female voice, and I can sense she is distressed.

“There is no one in here, it’s too late,” she hisses. “It’s the only place we can talk.”

He is whispering, clearly very close to her ear, because I can’t hear what he’s saying. She talks back, her words muffled, and then she just loses it. A wail leaves her lips and she cries out, “You can’t do this to me. I love you. We have been through so much together. If you’re going to do this, then you know what I’ll do. You know I won’t stand for it. God dammit. Don’t leave.”

After that, her voice becomes muffled and there are some scuffing sounds before the door opens and slams closed again. Only when I’m certain I’m alone do I step out, carefully looking around to make sure there is nobody else here. I take my things and quickly get the hell out of there. When I step outside, there is nobody to be seen. The night air is cool, and the campus is quiet.

Exhaling, I use my keycard to get back into the dorm.

Poor girl. I don’t know who she was fighting with, but I do know it was clear he was breaking up with her.

That sucks.

I’ve forgotten the drama that comes with being back around people of this age group.

Something to look forward to, I suppose.


By the time I get through the first one, my head is pounding. I know I drank way too much last night and didn’t get enough sleep. Considering it’s my first week, that’s a very bad thing. Moving to Gerard’s class, I try to slink in without anyone noticing how bad I look. It doesn’t work, though, because I’m the first person in the door and he immediately notices me.

He grins as I shuffle to my seat at the front. “Rough night?”

“Something like that,” I mumble. “I forgot what it’s like to drink with college kids.”

“You’re not that much older.”

I shoot him a look. “No offense, sir, but I’m too old to be carrying on like that.”

He laughs. “Some of us have to learn the hard way. Here, I have these electrolytes I keep in my desk for any days I’m sick. Mix one in your water, it will help.”

He moves to his desk and pulls out a sachet of lord knows what, but I don’t question it. I take it off him and empty it into my water, watching it go a pale-yellow color. Then I take a long drink and lean back in my chair, praying it works before my head actually decides to explode.

“I won’t tell if you need a minute and you’re late.”

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