Page 15 of Spike

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Waving a hand, I shake my head. “No, I’m tougher than this.”

He laughs. “Well, I admire your strength.”

Finding my seat, I manage to get through the lessons. By the time the afternoon comes, I am utterly exhausted and take myself to bed as soon as the sun goes down. I don’t move a single inch all night, and when I wake in the morning my body aches. God, when did I get so damn weak? I used to be able to party like the best of them and here I am, acting like I just ran a damn marathon.

Packing up my things, I take the car ride home slow.

I’m ready to see my babies.

Two days is just enough that I don’t go completely crazy.

Arriving at the club, I turn the car off and get out. Spike told me he’d be here with the kids this morning before he took them to daycare, and I’m not missing the chance to hug them. I need little boy hugs and baby squishes.

I see little Danny first, he comes running out of the main house, clearly having seen me. His little eyes light up as he runs toward me, his arms flailing out the sides, his run enough to have me laughing as I lean down and scoop him into my arms. I kiss his cheeks over and over, cheeks that still have this morning’s breakfast on them. Danny is the meaning of little boy, and I love his fiery spirit.

He's just like Spike.

“I missed you baby,” I say, squeezing him.

“Mommy!” he cries happily, giving me a big grin.

Spike walks out of the main house carrying Mercy, her chubby cheeks bouncing with every step he takes. Holy sons-of-anarchy-hot-biker-showdown. I stare at my man and my heart skips a beat. With his bandana, dark sunglasses, tight black tee, and low hanging jeans, I almost want to skip all the rest and go rip his damned clothes off. But then my daughter smiles, and I can’t wipe the smile from my face as I carry Danny over. Stopping in front of them, I use my free arm to lean in and bring my baby girl’s face to mine where I kiss her cheeks. She babbles something incoherent and reaches for my necklace.

“You goin’ to give me that kind of attention,” Spike murmurs, leaning in and brushing his lips over mine.

Danny giggles, earning him a grin from his dad.

Gosh, when they smile at one another, they’re twins.

“You’ll get your attention later.”

“Ohhh, you’re back!”

Serenity comes rushing out with Ava on her hip, a beaming smile on her face. “Tell me everything. Leave nothing out. I will live through you.”

“I’ll tell you everything, but not until I’ve gone home and slept a few hours.”

“Hungover, baby?” Spike grins.

“It’s day two, and I still feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m ashamed.”

Serenity scrunches her nose. “That is shameful. We need to get you back on the train.”

“What train?” Addison appears from around the side of the house with Cade following her. Her cheeks are flustered, and his hair is messy. I choose not to ask what they were just doing behind the house.

“The alcohol train,” Serenity fills in. “Our girl Ciara is getting weak.”

“Gasp,” Addison laughs. “We can’t have that.”

“It’s okay,” I say, waving my hand. “I’ll get plenty of practice while I’m there. I forgot what it’s like to drink with people who are young and fresh.”

“Tell me, how was it?”

I put Danny down and watch as he runs off chasing a butterfly. Reaching for Mercy, I take her from Spike’s arms and then hook an arm through Addi’s and nod at Serenity. “Come with me, I’ll tell all.”

Spike gives me a look. “I’m not nearly done with you.”

Addison shoots him a look. “Calm down, you saw her one day ago. It’s my turn.”

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