Page 13 of Spike

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I hook my legs around his hips so he can’t escape, because I know he’ll try. His cock is still inside me, and I can feel the warm liquid trailing out and onto my bedsheets. I make a mental note to wash those myself before I leave.

“Nothin’ to worry about,” he murmurs, moving his arms beneath my head, scooping it up like a treasure.

He brings his lips down to mine, trying to cut off the conversation.

I kiss him for a long moment before gently pushing back.

“Stop avoiding, Danny.”

He growls, rolling off me.

I try to hang on, but I know he’ll just take me with him, so I reluctantly release him. He pushes up and sits on the end of the bed, his muscled frame illuminated by my lamp. God, I love him. I just wish he would tell me what goes through his head. He’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever met, and I know if he doesn’t want to speak, no amount of begging from me will make him.

“Don’t like bein’ away from my woman. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.”

“As much as I’d like to take you for a clinger, we both know you’re not.”

He turns, shooting me a look that makes me giggle.

“Careful, Tom Cat.”

I love it when he calls me that.

“Come on, just talk to me,” I say, moving up and pressing my cheek against his warm back as I exhale.

“Club business. Nothin’ for you to worry about.”

“If you don’t start talking, I won’t answer my phone,” I dare say.

He turns, forcing me back. “Don’t threaten me, baby. It won’t end well for you.”

I huff. “Fine, but you can’t storm in here like this every single time I don’t answer. I’m busy, you know.”

“Busy gettin’ drunk in a bar where I can’t watch you.”

“I’m not three.”

He pushes to his feet, gathering his things. “I’m not discussin’ this.”

The urge to roll my eyes is huge.

Once he’s dressed, he turns to face me. Leaning down, he takes my chin in his hand and brings me in for a kiss. “Got to get back to our babies. I’ll call you tomorrow. Answer.”

With that, he turns and leaves.

Fucking bikers, I swear.

Pushing out of the bed, I pull my phone from my purse. I see all the missed calls, but really, there isn’t that many. A message from Paulie has me chuckling as I open it.

P – My word. That man of yours got my knickers in a twist. Tell me he took you outside and showed you who is the boss. Oh my.

P – You’re not answering. I’m going to take that as your answer. Right now, he’s doing wicked things to you.

P – He’s not murderous, is he? Should I be scared?

P – Okay, you better message me back because my fantasies are quickly turning into some kind of terrible horror movie.

Laughing, I shake my head as I respond.

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