Page 16 of The Biker's Vow

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I’ve never fucked his Ol’ Lady, but yeah, I’ve fucking watched him fuck her brains out in one of the rooms at the Viper’s Spit Pit. They get off on that shit. There’s been times in my life where I did to. I’m not ashamed, but Ember sure as fuck was disappointed in me.

I’ve never hidden who I am or what I’ve done from her. It’s only that I never expected she’d judge me for it. Though I suppose I should have been anticipating that reaction to occur with the way she was raised to think sex is dirty. Thought I was getting her past that bullshit and she was coming out of her shell.

I know that her father trying to barter her like property to an old dirty bastard fucked with her head, but that ain’t me. We had a good thing. At least I believed we did. Thought for damn sure she’d want the fairytale. To have my ring on her finger and shoot our shot at having a couple of kids. Like the rest of my club brothers and their women.

Even Holy and Hazel are trying.

Fuck. Maybe West Virginia is no longer the place for me.

I can’t be here and not be with Ember.

She’s all I want.

I sleep, dream, breathe, and bleed her.

My babydoll with those big blue eyes and pouty lips, I want nothing more than to kiss.

I’ve done everything save throw out her birth control and knocking her up.

Been patient.


Stepped aside while she explored her feelings for another man because she’s young and hasn’t been out in the world on her own for long. She needed that, and I gave it to her.

Would give her the world in the palm of her hand if I thought it’d be enough, but I’m seeing that it doesn’t matter what I do if she’s not all in.

Not like I’ve been.

“Yo, asswipe,” I call out, waving Jimmy to the end of the bar where I’m downing a bottle of my good friend Jim Beam. Trying to drown all these thoughts that have got me in my head about everything I’ve ever done.

Every choice I’ve ever made that led me here.

“Everything okay?” he perches his boney ass on the stool next to mine.


“Want to talk about it?”

“Fuck no. Need you to drag your sorry ass to the house and keep an eye on Ember.”

“Is she in danger?”

“Only from herself. I ended things.”

“Are you fucking stupid?” He blurts out, and I glare at him in warning.

“Now isn’t the time to get on my bad side, Prospect.”

“No disrespect, Smoke. But she’s a fucking hot ass piece and you leave her vulnerable and the vultures are going to circle.”

“That’s why you’ll be keep an eye on her.”

“You’re not taking her to California?”

“No point in it now.” Was planning on surprising her with a proposal while on the road. The ring I’ve been carrying in my pocket waiting for the right time to ask burns through my pocket as I reminder of what I’ve lost. Almost asked on the roller coaster. Knew what her answer would be, though. There was no point. I’d worked it out with Roane last week for her to have time off. I’ll drop by before her shift tomorrow and have him put her back on the rotation. She’ll need the income. No way her, dumb, and dumber will be able to afford the house we’re in now. I pay eighty percent of the bills.

“I don’t know when I’ll be back from this trip. Probably be a good idea for you to get your affairs in order. Time to decide. Kiesha or Sabrina. The club or the women. You’re running out of time and I’m not covering for your stupid ass anymore to keep the peace. You’re all going to need to find a new living situation at the end of the month.”

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