Page 17 of The Biker's Vow

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“So that’s it. You’re done with Ember just like that?”

“Just like that,” I repeat and take a hard pull from the bottle.

“You’re fucking up.”

“Says you. The kid who has one bitch knocked up and another on the side.” I shake my head as he stares at me, openmouthed.

“Sabrina’s pregnant?”

I punch him in the dick.

“What the fuck?” he chokes out.

“One, better start wrapping it up. Two, don’t ever refer to another man’s woman as a hot little piece.” I pass him the liquor bottle. He needs it more than I do right now.

Chapter Seven

“What’s wrong?” My bestie takes one look at me and knows I’m off kilter.

“I fucked it all up.” I collapse next to her on the couch where she’s obviously been laying for a while waiting for Jimmy. I burst into tears as she wraps me up in her arms.

“Whatever it is, you’ll work it out.”

“Not this time.” I sniffle into her shoulder. “He’s done, and he’s leaving town.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Me either.” I hug her tighter.

“Well, I got a couple of tests. Want to hold my hand and take one with me?”

I pull back and shift to sitting at the end by her feet. “We should get an apartment. Say to hell with men.”

“Like Smoke would really let you move out.”

“You didn’t hear him, Brina. He had this finality to his voice that makes me wonder how long this has been brewing.”

“Probably since you kissed T-bird.”

“Maybe.” I draw my knees to my chest and rest my head there. “Let’s get this over with.” I grab the plastic bag off the coffee table. “Where did you get these from this late?”

“Gas station.”

I shake my head. I take one of the tests and hand her the other. “We’ll meet back here and read the results together in ten minutes.”


Sabrina goes to the bathroom upstairs. I take the half bath in the hallway. I’m not ready to go into my empty bedroom. Not yet.

Quick and efficient, I do the deed, knowing that there’s no reason to even look at the results. I’m not pregnant and probably never will be. After washing my hands, I put the test back in the box and return to the living room to wait for Sabrina.

A few minutes of scrolling through silly videos online pass before Sabrina returns. “You ready?”

“I cheated,” she confesses. “I’m not pregnant. Did you look yet?”

“Yeah,” I lie. “I’m also not pregnant. Are you going to tell Jimmy that you thought you were pregnant?”

“What’s the point? False alarm. No need to get him all worked up about something that isn’t happening.”

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