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He turns to face me, his hip resting on the counter. His eyes once more on my face.

“What about using me as your sperm donor?”

My jaw drops as my muscles go weak. I can’t have heard him correctly. I cough and raise a trembling hand to my mouth.

“What?” I squeak.

He takes a deep breath as if giving me a chance to catch up on his announcement.

“What if I act as your sperm donor?”

“Gabriel... I...”

I stumble over my thoughts. This is not what I expected. My eyes lock on his face. His expression tells me he’s been thinking long and hard about this.

Gabriel takes my hand and leads me over to the sofa. I follow in a trance. “Sit. I’m serious,” he says, taking a seat opposite me. “I want you to hear me out.”

I nod, too shocked to say or do anything else.

“I think we can help each other.” He looks at his hands, his forearms resting on his thighs. “I don’t ever see myself in a long-term relationship. I’m grumpy, self-absorbed and a workaholic. Not good husband material. Therefore, the prospect of me having a child or children of my own... let’s say they’re minimal.” He runs a hand through his hair, leaving it mussed. “I don’t want a marriage of convenience, or to marry someone only to have my children caught in the middle of a messy divorce, or being used as pawns.”

I bite my lip when he returns his gaze to me. It’s then I realise he’s deadly serious. Gabriel continues.

“I need an heir. Want an heir.” He tilts his head and gives a small smile. “I could leave everything to my godson or my nieces and nephews, but they already have enough. I’ve been thinking recently that I like the idea of my own child.”

Oh shit, my billionaire boss is asking if I can make both our dreams come true.

He wants to be my baby’s daddy!

Adrenalin floods my system, and my heart rate kicks up several notches. My mouth falls open, and I know my eyes must be bulging. This is not what I was expecting.


I stutter, realising that all my years as someone who values their ability to communicate clearly have abandoned me in my moment of need. I close my mouth and swallow, taking a moment to let my thoughts percolate.

“I don’t want to be a surrogate.” The words leave my mouth in a rush. “I want to raise my child,” I say, unsure if he understands that.

Gabriel smiles. “That works perfectly,” he says. “As I mentioned before, I’m a workaholic. A surrogate wouldn’t work. Any child I have that way would require nannies. That, to me, is a hard no. I was raised by my mother and father in a loving environment. I want that for my child.”

It’s my turn to look confused. “But we aren’t in a loving relationship,” I say, not quite sure what he’s getting at. “We don’t even officially live together.”

Gabriel huffs as if I’ve missed the point. I shoot him my seriously stare, and he smiles.

“Maybe that came out wrong. I was loved by my mother and my father. I had the love of both parents. I would like that for my child.”

My heart rate picks up, and heat rises in my body. He has clearly thought about this long and hard.

“I’m suggesting we co-parent,” Gabriel continues. “Apparently, it’s becoming the latest trend in thirty and forty-somethings. Two people decide to have a baby together and co-parent the child. Similar to a divorce, but without the animosity.”

I stare at him. My mind flits back to an article I read. Agencies have been set up to help match potential parents. It’s an option I discounted once I realised it meant sharing my child with a virtual stranger. Surely Gabriel can’t mean this type of relationship?

I sink back into the sofa, my shoulders slump as my mind spins.

“Think about it,” Gabriel continues. “You wouldn’t have to raise a child alone or with a stranger. You’d have me to share in the parental duty. You know me, quirks and all.” He smiles, and I return it with one of my own. “Any child or children we have will be financially looked after. I can see to that. Most of all, you’ll have my support and that of my entire family, as well as your own.”

I draw in a shaky breath, spots appearing at the edge of my vision. This is most definitely not where I saw tonight’s conversation going. “You’ve really thought about this,” I say.

Gabriel leans forward and grabs my hand, squeezing it. “I can have my lawyer draw up an agreement that works for us. When I say together, I mean together.”

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