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The feel of his hand in mine sends tingles up my arm. Am I dreaming, or is this really happening?

I look Gabriel in the eye. “You’re saying you want to have a baby with me?”

He nods.

“You’ve decided all this after looking at my laptop?”

He frowns. “Yes,” he says.

“Maybe we both need to take five,” I say, wanting to kick myself but knowing this is important. “This is a lot to take in.”

Having a baby with someone, especially if that someone is also my boss—younger, incredibly wealthy boss, is not something I want to jump into lightly, even if my ovaries and brain are doing a happy dance. Nat’s comment about us making beautiful babies comes back to me.

Gabriel’s hand squeezes mine. “I won’t change my mind, but I understand you need to process it.”

I chuckle. That is such a Gabriel thing to say.

“I do,” I say, extracting my hand from his and placing it into my lap. The warmth and closeness do strange things to my insides. “You’ve taken me by surprise. This is not what I expected this evening.” Gabriel shrugs, and another thought enters my head. “Did you say, children?”

Gabriel smiles. “Well, if we have one, and it works, there’s always the potential to introduce a brother or sister at a later date. If you’re on board.”

I know I’m staring. He really has thought about this.

“What about if one of us meets someone? You’re younger than me. Not even thirty.”

I’m not sure I can start this process and then have Gabriel change his mind because another woman has come on the scene. I know he doesn’t date per se. He has ladies he takes to social events he can’t get out of, but that could change.

His expression is similar to someone sucking a lemon. “We will co-parent. Believe me when I say I have no desire or intention of meeting anyone, let alone dating them.”

I stare at him. “How can you be so sure?” I whisper. “You’re not celibate.” Or at least I don’t think he is. My stomach contracts at the thought.

In my heart, I know Gabriel will be a good father, even if he does meet someone. The past eight years have shown he has a strong moral compass. Co-parenting is no different to a divorce, simply less messy. Gabriel doesn’t give me the impression he’ll shirk his responsibilities.

“I won’t be,” he says. “Although I will while we are undergoing treatment. I always have safe sex, and I will be discrete.”

I feel my cheeks flood with colour. I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with Gabriel. This is a different side to the man I’ve worked alongside for the past eight years.

“What if I meet someone?” I blurt out, not wanting to put him off but knowing I have to be honest. Gabriel’s eyes lock on mine. “I don’t want to be on my own for the rest of my life. I want the chance to have what my parents have,” I admit. “The only reason I’m contemplating this route is because time is running out. I could freeze my eggs and hope... but ...”

Gabriel sighs. “I understand if you want a relationship. Remaining single won’t be a condition of our co-parenting agreement. I know there are a lot of things we’re going to need to iron out. This isn’t a straight road. We can discuss any issues we foresee arising and include them in any legal agreement we have drawn up. I’m happy to support you and any child or children we have, but I won’t support another male. And Leah, if we are trying to have a child, you will need to remain faithful while you conceive. I don’t want to find I’m raising someone else’s child further down the line.”

It’s my turn to touch his arm. “That would never happen,” I tell him. “If, and I mean, if, we do this, I would be fully invested. You do not need to fear that. I’m not asking for financial support. I prepared to do this alone. There are several reasons for me not rushing headlong into this process. The financial implications are but one of them. Childcare is another. A stable home. What you saw the other night was me checking out my options. A want doesn’t mean I’m going to do it.” I inhale before exhaling slowly. “Having a baby is a pipe dream.”

“Why?” Gabriel asks.

“Why, what?”

“Why does it have to be a pipe dream?” Gabriel sits up in the chair, his elbows resting on his knee, his body leaning towards mine. “I’m offering you a solution, so it doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. I have more than enough money to support you and a child. As for accommodation, there’s an empty apartment below here that is being renovated as we speak. We are both single, so we won’t be hurting anyone.”

I know I’m staring at him open-mouthed, but I can’t stop.

“What would we tell people? Our colleagues? Family?”

Gabriel shrugs, and I glare at him.

“Gabriel, I’m being serious,” I say.

He looks at me, his expression becoming serious. “Fine. What were you going to tell people?”

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