Page 62 of The Jefe's Boy

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"You always say that, Delancy."

Not always, but sometimes.

"I admit there have been a few times in the past, but that isn't what this is. This guy broke into my house. He beat me up. I didn't ask for this and I didn't plan this."

"I thought these antics of yours would end once you got married. If I had known you would just continue, I never would have had you marry Alejandro."

That was actually turning out to be the nicest thing he had ever done for me, even if he didn't know half of what my new life entailed.

"Do I need to call our lawyers?"

"No, one of Alejandro's old frat brothers is a lawyer. He's here right now." I crossed one of my arms over my stomach and rested the other one on it. "And just for the record, I don't need a lawyer. Miles is here for my bodyguard, who probably saved me from getting killed."

"Killed? By Alejandro's brother?" my grandfather scoffed. "Don't you think you are being a little dramatic there, Delancy? Is there a camera aimed at you?"

I seethed, grinding my teeth together for a moment before I snapped out, "You know what? I just called to tell you what was going on before you heard it from the news. I also wanted to let you know that Alejandro and I won't be making it tonight, but now I wonder if I should have even bothered. You'll just believe what you see in the news anyway, so you should probably get your information from them from now on."

I hung up and then just stood there for a moment. I was both angry and hurt. I was tired of my grandfather always coming down on me. I knew why he did it, but it was getting to the point that I wanted to scream at him to at least have some faith in me.

He totally didn't. He fully believed everything he saw on the news. It drove me insane. Granted, I wanted people to believe what they saw on the news, but not him. He was my grandfather. He should have believed in me, even just a little.

Alejandro did, and maybe that was my answer.

I drew in a deep breath and then blew it out slowly before walking back over to the small group of men. I handed Alejandro his phone and then cuddled into his side. His arm automatically went around me.

"Everything okay, querido?"

I beamed up at him. "It is now."

Maybe this was all I needed.

Chapter Nineteen

~ Alejandro ~

It took a little while to get done with the questioning and get the scene released by the authorities. By the time I escorted Delancy into the house, he was seriously lagging.

"Why don't you three go get a drink in my study?" I suggested. "I'm going to put Delancy to bed."

"No," Delancy said. "I want to stay with you."

"Are you sure?" I asked as I glanced down into his sleepy eyes. "You'll be much comfier in bed."

"I want to stay with you," he repeated.

"Okay, you can stay with me."

Delancy smiled at me, so I knew I had given the right answer. As much as I thought he would be more comfortable tucked up in our bed, I really did want him with me. The easiest way to keep him safe was to keep him in sight at all times.

"Hugo, can you tell the kitchen staff to make us all something to eat, something light that we can eat with our fingers. Maybe some sandwiches."

"Si, Jefe."

"And grab the throw blanket off the bottom of our bed," I added. Even if I kept Delancy with me, I wanted him comfortable.

Inside my study I led him over to the couch. Once he laid down, I tucked a pillow under his head. I squatted down next to him and brushed the hair back from his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

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