Page 32 of The Jefe's Boy

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This would not be a marriage of convenience.

I had considered it in the beginning, simply setting him up somewhere and placing guards on him to make sure he didn't pull any of his antics. I'd disregarded that idea the moment he started walking down the aisle toward me and I had gotten my first real look at him.

Like I said, the man is gorgeous.

Hugo is waiting for us outside by the limo. The tiniest bit of a smile curved the corners of his lips as he opened the limousine door. "Jefe." He nodded to me and then to the man hanging over my shoulder. "Sir."

"Take us home, Hugo," I ordered.

"Yes, Jefe."

As soon as I tossed Delancy into the backseat, I climbed in after him. Hugo shut the door behind me and then climbed into the front passenger side, and then we were off.

Delancy righted himself in the seat next to me by the time we hit the street. I could feel his glare, but I had more important things to worry about than my new husband's anger.

I hit the vehicle communication button. "Hugo." I waited until the partition between the front seat and the backseat was lowered before continuing. "Are our men set up to follow Martinez?"

Hugo turned in his seat to look at me. "Yes, Jefe. We have people waiting to follow him once he leaves the Matisse estate and people watching his mansion. We'll know every move he makes."

"Has the moving continued at his place?"

Hugo nodded. "There's been a lot of activity, especially in the last few hours. Our man there has reported movers coming in this morning, loading furniture and boxes onto moving trucks."

"So, do you think he is really moving out?"

I had my doubts.

Hugo grimaced. "I won't be able to say one way or another until we know where those moving trucks are headed, but I still suspect he'll be staying somewhere in town."

"Has anyone said anything about us not moving into the mansion?"

"There have been some whispers," Hugo replied, "but nothing concrete."

"Does Martinez know we've moved out of the hotel?"

"I don't think so. You've stayed at the hotel until this morning when you left for the wedding. I had our men take our belongings out through the employee entrance and, per your orders, we are still lodged there. I won't check us out for a few more days."

"What about the new place?" I asked. "Anyone sniffing around there?"

"I haven't heard anything. You bought that place under your grandmother's maiden name. I doubt anyone is looking for it."

I snickered. "Oh, someone will be looking just as soon as they figure out that we are not moving into the mansion."

"They will ask questions, that is true. Family heads have lived in that mansion since we first established Brooklyn over a hundred years ago. It's practically tradition at this point."

"Fuck tradition," I snapped. "You know Martinez has that mansion wired from the ground up and he will feed every bit of information he learns to my grandfather whether it's good or bad. I don't want to set foot in that place let alone live there."

"It is listed as one of the properties owned by Díaz Enterprises. You can sell it if you want to."

I chuckled at the delight that idea brought to me. "Oh, I intend to."

I no more wanted that flashy mansion than I wanted Dante to visit me. I might be able to get rid of one of those worries if I sold the place, but not both of them.

Everything that belonged to Díaz Enterprises now belonged to me. All the businesses, properties, and assets, legal and illegal. It was all part and parcel of becoming the head of the mob in Brooklyn.

I had no doubt that there were hidden assets that wouldn't be handed over to me. I suspected there were businesses and properties that wouldn't be handed over either.

My grandfather wanted me to fail. He wanted me to go home in disgrace so he could kill me and eliminate the family shame. It was just too bad for him that I was not ashamed of who I was.

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