Page 31 of The Jefe's Boy

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"And I've seen a lot of you," Alejandro continues. "I think I've watched every video of you ever put on the internet and you are pure chaos. If you can't find trouble, you create it."

That wasn't exactly true, and I resented the fact that my new husband thought it was. "Despite all the news stories about me, what you or anyone else actually knows about me wouldn't fit in a thimble."

That damn smirk was back on Alejandro's face. I wanted to smack it off so badly I could taste it. I was getting tired of him looking at me as if he thought he had me all figured out.

He didn't. Alejandro Díaz knew next to nothing about me. He knew the carefree spoiled rich kid persona I presented to the world. He didn't know the real me.

I wasn't sure anybody did.

When Alejandro tried to grab my chin, I reared back. His lips thinned and he reached out again, catching me this time.

"Let go of me," I snarled as I pushed at his chest and tried to pull my jaw away.

"Not happening," Alejandro replied in a deep dark tone that made my insides shiver. "You belong to me now and I am never letting you go."

I swallowed hard as a sliver of fear slid through me. "I'll scream."

"So scream and then watch what happens." Alejandro's fingers dug into my skin. "I have no problem putting you over my knee right here and right now and paddling your ass red if you don't behave."

I stopped struggling to get away and glared at the insufferable man. "And I have no problem throwing a fit worthy of every news outlet on the planet if you don't release me this second."

Alejandro's dark eyebrow arched again, but he released me right before one of those smirks came over him. "I like a little fire, but don't go overboard."

Oh my god, was this man for real?

"Do you ever listen to the shit coming out of your mouth?"

Dark eyes narrowed in an instant. "And now you are going overboard."

Before I could get one more word out, I was grabbed and tossed over Alejandro's shoulder.

He waved and started for the door. "Thanks for coming everyone. Goodnight."

"No, wait!" My struggle to get free earned me a swat on the ass. "Put me down!"

There was a lot of laughing and clapping from the small crowd Alejandro strode through, and a few off handed comments about what Alejandro should do to me once he got me home.

None of them were hopeful.

Chapter Eleven

~ Alejandro ~

I felt as if the smirk on my face might be permanently engraved in my skin if I wasn't fighting so hard not to laugh. There was a bit of spunk in Delancy, and I appreciated that, but like I said, he needed not to go overboard.

Delancy needed to understand who was in charge here, and it wasn't him. I wasn't going to lose Brooklyn now that I had my hands on it. I certainly wasn't going to let myself get sent back to Columbia to face certain death.

And if that meant keeping a tight rein on Delancy then that was what I would do. After meeting him in person, I knew that wouldn't be much of a hardship.

Videos and pictures didn't do the man justice. He was stunning. Five foot ten inches of pure sex appeal in one gorgeous little package.

And now he was mine.

All mine.

I had the papers to prove it.

I couldn't wait until we got home. Once we were safely locked behind the doors of my new place, I would let him loose to throw whatever tantrum he felt was needed. I would enjoy the show, right before I took him to bed and reinforced the knowledge that he did indeed belong to me.

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