Page 76 of Merger

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She tried to claw at them as she reached for Atticus. "No, let him do it. Let him kill me. If he kills me, he goes to jail. And then he can't have her anyway, which is perfect."

But they were already taking her away.

I grinned at her. "Sweetheart, the whole penthouse is wired with cameras. Do you really think he would go to jail after what you tried here? Never."

She continued to claw at Pierce and Rowan as they dragged her through the vestibule. Rowan was securing zip ties around her wrists as she bucked in his arms.

"Hold up," I shouted. The men stopped, and Atticus tried to pull me back, but I wiggled out of his grasp. They turned Lucy toward me, and I looked her up and down. "You are despicable."

When she spat in my face, I laughed. "Okay, you're going to enjoy jail." I turned slightly and rotated my hips just like Sven had taught me before I released a punch straight to her nose.

This time, Atticus reached for me. "Gwen…"

"That’s for using my sister, you bitch."

Atticus tucked me to his chest. "Oh my God, I fucking love you, but you're also insane."

"I know." I winced as I tried to curl my hand into a fist. "I hope that hurt."

The guys finally got her in the elevator, taking her down, presumably to the police, or to kill her and bury her body. I didn't really care which.

Atticus eased me away from them. "Are you okay?"

"I have a hell of a headache."

"I'm so sorry. I got here as fast as I could. I'm so sorry."

"I thought you were in the office today."

He winced. "Well, I didn't want to be that far away from you, so I rented one of the offices on the fourth floor too."

"You—" I shook my head. "Of course you did."

"Sorry, but there was no way I’d go all the way to the office and just leave you here."

"You know what? Today, I'm glad for your clingy ways."

"Good. I should have been here sooner. Pierce ran in, having identified who the assassin had been in contact with. But we had to take the stairs. She used an electronic device to disable the elevator."

I held him tightly to me and buried my face in his chest, knowing I was getting him bloody but not caring. "It's over. It's finally over."

"Yeah, it is. The authorities have already picked up Peter Reeser. You're safe. Nothing is ever going to hurt you again."



"Look at us,” Morgan giggled. “Sitting outside and everything."

I nodded at my sister. "Yes, and not a single hulking bodyguard to be found."

Atticus frowned. "Don't worry, Sven is still here somewhere."

As we sat on the balcony of La Table Ronde, I felt relaxed for the first time in months.

Reeser had, in fact, been arrested. Lucy had been too, and they were doing a psychological evaluation on her. My cuts and bruises on my shoulder were healing, but my physical therapist was pissed.

Everything worked out exactly like it was supposed to.

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