Page 77 of Merger

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Lance was looking antsy, rubbing his hands on his thighs and checking the door. Morgan narrowed her eyes at him, but that was normal. Ever since that night on the balcony, the two of them had been even weirder than usual. It was odd, though. They fought a lot less, but now it felt like two people who really hated each other. Which made me sad. Maybe it was my fault for suggesting that there was something there.

Atticus sat forward, his smile bright. He smiled a lot easier now. What a difference a few months made. That was my smile. The one he usually reserved for me, but he was using it on my sister now. "So, Morgan, what are we doing for your birthday?"

Micah piped up then. "Ooh, yes, there's a book signing. That author you like who writes about the dragon shifters, she's going to be there. We can get tickets if you want to go."

She wrinkled her nose. "But isn't it in Dallas? I don't want to go to Texas on my birthday."

"Fair,” Atticus said, giving Micah a withering look. “Where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere with really big fucking roller coasters."

Lance's gaze turned to her. "Roller coasters? Really, Morgan?"

Morgan grinned at him. "Yes, roller coasters. I figured it is my last year as essentially a kid. One more year, and I’ll be in my twenties, a proper adult. This birthday might be the last time I get to do a kid thing."

I shook my head. "You can do kid things for as long as you want. Did you not see Atticus last night, losing his shit over getting crushed at Monopoly?"

Atticus sat back and glowered at me, and I knew that remark would earn me a spanking later. "That's because you were cheating."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Prove it."

"I have something for you to do with that tongue."

Immediately, Gavin, Rowan, Micah… Well, basically everyone at the table made gagging noises.

"Oh, I bet you do.” I grinned. “But not until you apologize for the shitty response to losing."

"I didn't lose," he grumbled

God, I loved antagonizing him. It was so much fun.

He made to push his chair back. "If you’ll all excuse me, I think I need to have a quiet conversation with my wife."

"And by conversation, you mean a shag in the bathroom?” Morgan asked. “Because ewww…"

I couldn't help but laugh. This was what it felt like to be relaxed, have a family, and enjoy ourselves.

I glanced around, reveling in it.

Atticus turned his attention back to my little sister. "Let's have it, little sis. What do you really want to do?"

"I think I really do want to do roller coasters. And I want everyone there. Bring your partners, bring your kids. Gavin, I can't wait to meet your daughter."

He grinned. "You will be her favorite person for suggesting an amusement park."

Pierce was the only one frowning. "I don't know if I like the security logistics for that."

Atticus just laughed. "Oh, Jesus. Look, I'll buy out the place for a day or two. Morgan, which one do you want?"

My sister laughed nervously. "What?"

"Which amusement park do you want? Do you want like a Universal? A Disney property is going to be a bit pricey, but we can do it. Or do you want like a Six Flags? You really need to be certain about the kinds of roller coasters you want to ride."

My sister's gaze nervously skittered between me and Atticus, and even at Lance a time or two for some help. "What do you mean by pricey?"

My husband just shrugged. "I mean, it's your birthday, so we'll just buy it out. You can ride anything you want as often as you want. And you can even make Lance your ride partner."

Lance definitely looked gray at that. "I will not be her ride partner."

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