Page 75 of Merger

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"I said that’s fucking enough, Lucy!"

He shifted his weight so that he was in front of me again.

Lucy just droned on and on. "Everything was perfect before her. You would have come back. How can you choose someone like her instead of me? I’m the damn prize, not someone like her, Atticus. You’re just confused. I know what you’ve heard about women like her. And I get it. It’s exciting. But you’ve slummed it long enough. Come back to me now."

Slummed it? I’d heard quite enough at that point. “What the hell? Just who do you think?—”

Atticus would not let me step out from behind him to bitch slap her. "Like I said, you will not disrespect my wife. You're done here, Lucy."

Suddenly, the others were running through the door. Pierce, Micah, Gavin, Rowan. And all of them except Micah had guns pointed at Lucy.

She swung her gun around. "I swear to God, I might die, but I will kill every single one of you. I don't care as long as I kill her."

Atticus shook his head, taking yet another step in front of me. This time, walking toward her. "You're not going to kill Gwen. You're going to put the gun down. You've had enough. You made your bed when you hired an assassin to kill my wife."

Micah's voice was a warning. "Atticus, no."

But he kept walking toward her. "You tried to kill her, and then hired someone else when you couldn’t get the job done."

"He kept missing. She was with you all the time. Can’t you see she's useless?"

"You tried to take the only person who has ever understood me. You tried to take that from me,” Atticus said with gravel in his voice. “You think I could be with anyone who was like that?"

"I understand you. I do. You just never gave me a chance."

He took another step toward her. "Oh, I gave you a chance. I gave you a million chances. Even if Gwen wasn't here, I would never ever be with you in a million years. Not to mention, I would hate you for takin her from me."

Her brows furrowed. "But you love me, Atticus."

"Even when I was with you, I never loved you. Gwen's the only woman I've ever loved. Get that through your thick skull, Lucy."

He was right in front of her.

Micah shifted next to me, placing his body slightly in front of mine now that Atticus was no longer shielding me. And then so quickly that I couldn't even see it, Atticus whipped his hand out, grabbed her wrist, bent it back and then forward, releasing the gun from her hand.

Then his hands went to her throat.

"Atticus, no,” I screamed. “No! Not for me. I know who you are. This isn't you."

"She was going to kill you, Gwen."

"I know. But you saved me. It's over."

Sidestepping Micah, I walked up to him. I kicked the gun even further out of the way. Gavin went around and grabbed it off the floor and tucked it at the back of his trousers. Then I put my hand on Atticus’s back, rubbing gently. "I'm okay. We have to go and check on Magda."

Sven's voice was low as he spoke from behind me. "Fuck, I'll check on Magda."

I kept my gaze on Atticus and the way he was squeezing her neck. "Look at me. Atticus, look at me, here."

His gaze flickered to mine briefly before landing back on Lucy.

"Atticus Price, you look at me right now."

His gaze slid back to me, and I gave him a soft smile. "I thought I was the only one you choked."

And just like that, the spell was broken, and he was no longer that version of himself I didn't know.

He released her quickly, and a laugh tore out of his chest on a choked sound. The moment he released her, Pierce and Rowan came forward, grabbing her.

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