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As expected, I knew him. Ifra was an unmated alpha who had been working as a medic forever.

He came out, saw me and Alil and instantly fixated on him.

“Oh dear,” he said. “Come on. Come inside.”

It was honestly a bit of a relief to see his familiar, kind face devoid of any judgment. He probably saw it all firsthand and his focus was only on making others healthy.

He took Alil's other arm and helped him walk into his practice even though Alil seemed steady on his feet.

“Sit here,” he instructed and took a moment to light another two lamps to brighten the room while we sat on the free bench.

Naz and Samar stood near us, watching.

“Should we let your families know that you are here?” Naz asked.

Alil shook his head.

“No. Please. I want to avoid the commotion for as long as possible.”

“I don't think we'll need to tell them anyway,” I added. “I'm sure enough people saw us that the news will spread fast.”

“Now,” Ifra said, taking a seat in front of us. “Tell me how you are feeling.”

“We will wait outside,” Naz said and pulled Samar outside after him.

“Not the best,” Alil admitted. “We were in the desert for days and?—”

Ifra tsked.

“That's not good. You need to stay cool.”

“Perhaps that was the issue then,” Alil said. “I have been feeling faint, exhausted and I cannot keep any food down. I can barely walk straight.”

“Any other pains?” the medic asked.

Alil shook his head.

For a few minutes, he answered questions, clinging to my hand, before Ifra began a few standard tests, checking his temperature, his eyes, his saliva.

Before any answers could be given, a sound rang through the streets outside and we both stiffened, listening.


Alil was on his feet as the shouting continued.

“It's my om-mother!” he said, wringing his hands. “Oh, Goddess.”

“Please, calm down. Take a seat,” Ifra said.

There was no chance of that happening because there was suddenly a commotion from outside the door and I realized that it wasn't only Alil's om-mother who had arrived.

“Where is he?” his al-mother demanded. “Where is my son?”

“Please, he is alright,” I heard Naz reply calmly.

“Then why is he in with the medic?!” his om-mother demanded.

I stood at Alil’s side, my heart in my throat as the sound of a struggle suddenly reached us.

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