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“Then, perhaps we will hold off dealing with any big decisions until you are ready.”

Alil shut his eyes.

“Just come in to see the medic with me. I'm sure anything else can wait.”

I hesitated because I was pretty sure if any of our families or friends caught wind of our return, they would demand answers at once, but Samar nodded.

“It will be fine. Stay with him for now.”

I still didn't know how it would work, but perhaps if we snuck our way through the city streets...

We left our stuff in the car. Since it had all been meant to help with our travel, I didn't feel the need to take it with us. All I needed was walking at my side, tucked safely under my arm.

But my hopes of going unnoticed were dashed as soon as we turned onto one of the main paths.

It wasn't exactly busy and at first, we walked past a couple going in the opposite direction, but as we continued to walk, I could practically feel with growing intensity people's gazes on us.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Until we were entering the busier streets.

Then, each person we passed stopped and stared but no one spoke until an omega turned around, looking confused and gasped, clapping a hand to her mouth at the sight of us. Her wide eyes fixed on Naz. I didn't blame her. It was probably a shock to see the omega priest outside of the temple where all could lay eyes on him.

“Priest Naz!” she whispered. “You're back.”

Naz nodded, smiling tightly.

“Yes,” he said, and then added loudly for all to hear, “I have everything under control.”

“But where are the others?” the omega asked, looking worried. “We heard a whole group went missing, that they were taken by alphas. There were search parties looking for you.”

Her eyes flew to my face and then she looked at Alil and I knew she could already tell that we were mated. It was pretty obvious. Even if Alil hadn't been in my arms, we nassa could sense the mated and unmated pheromones immediately.

Naz grimaced and glanced at us before turning back to her.

“We will discuss this with the alpha council before spreading any information,” he said firmly.

With that, he nodded at her, then turned forward and froze.

I followed his gaze, shocked to realize that everyone on the street had come close to listen, practically surrounding us like we were an exciting attraction.

Lips pursing into a thin line now, Naz hooked his elbow around Samar's arm and then took Alil's in the other one.

He pulled us forward, strong and confident, giving no room for anyone to stop us.

No one tried to, but I had to fix my gaze on Naz's back as he pulled us along because too many disappointed looks were being sent my way.

“It's down here,” Samar said, taking the lead when Naz hesitated for a split second. Of course, he probably didn’t know the city so well after years of being in the main temple. He directed us down a small street, which I recognized, toward the medical center.

It was a cluster of small buildings where each medic had their own practice and a shared hospital area in the middle. The grounds were surrounded by palm trees for the shade and artfully placed fountains.

Diwan was the biggest city in Mukhana's northern hemisphere, but we had only a handful of doctors. I couldn't remember the last time we had a new one. I was pretty sure that the last medic had joined the others when I had still been a young child, so it was a comfort that I would know the doctor.

“Can I sit down now?” Alil asked.

He was pale, drawn, looked incredibly troubled, andhe didn’t need to mention why. That scene on the streets was weighing on both of us.

I led him to one of the benches while Samar and Alil went to one of the doors that had a light flickering in the windows.

I put my arm around him and waited, watching as Samar and Alil went inside. It only took a minute for them to return with the doctor.

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