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“What in the universe is happening?” Ifra demanded, marching toward the front door to put a stop to the kerfuffle, but that was a huge mistake because the moment he threw the curtain open to confront the group, chaos ensued.

Both of Alil's parents were there, as we knew, as well as a few others behind them. Some we had passed on the street. I even glimpsed one or two alphas from the council. They all looked inside.

For a split second, Alil's parents looked at him and then at me. I saw the flash of understanding cross their eyes and then his al-mother burst through the door, shoving the medic out of the way.

I held my hands up just as Alil screamed and I was hit across the face.

I was too stunned to do anything in return, and I was not about to fight my mate's own al-mother even though she hit me hard enough that I stumbled back.

The next strike had me falling, something wet spraying as I hit all the medical contraptions and sent them flying and glass shattering.

I didn't have a moment before she was on top of me, hitting me again and again and it took far too long to realize that it was more than just fists, but claws too, skewering my body.

I was aware of screaming and then, Alil's al-mother's grunting, furious form being lifted off of me with a furious roar.

I stared up at the scene, realizing that she had been physically dragged off of me by the other alphas.

Slowly, I looked down at myself.

There was blood everywhere.

The vicious attack had happened so fast that I had barely been able to react, but now, seeing the pooling liquid, the pain suddenly hit me.

“Al-mother!” Alil wailed. “What have you done?!”

He was being held back by his om-mother but he broke free, running to my side and falling to his knees, holding me.

“I'm okay,” I lied, shakily.

“I'll kill you!” Alil's al-mother yelled as she was dragged from the room.

How foolish. She knew that me and Alil were bonded. Why else would she be so mad? She must know that if I died, I would take her son with me, right?

“This is a place of healing!” Medic Ifra shouted, aghast. “Everyone who is still capable of standing, get out!”

For a moment I thought he would be listened to, but then this bad situation only got worse because at that moment, my parents arrived.

They took one look at the scene and all havoc broke loose.

My om-mother shouted in dismay and tore into the room as my al-mother leaped toward Alil's al-mother, clearly intent on taking her head off.

The other alphas jumped in at once and a veritable brawl fell onto the night street, drawing more and more people who were trying to help.

There were people shouting, Alil's om-mother was screaming at them to stop. I couldn't see much through the door's opening from where I was laying on the floor.

Alil stayed with me and my om-father remained on my other side, clearly torn between concern and anger.

“You foolish boy!” he chastised. “What have you done?”

I finally understood why Alil had been so adamant about staying in our safe oasis.


. . .


It was like the worst of my nightmares were happening before my eyes.

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