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He was outside her apartment in record time, and after a single press of the doorbell, he was unsurprised to see Spencer herself opening the door. She had always been fearless in that sense, the type who would rather risk pain than cower and hide from any confrontation. So her coming out to face him head on was no surprise, but as for the rest...

"What the fuck are dressed like that for?"

She was all dolled up, her dramatic makeup making her eyes look bigger and her lips all rosy red like they had just finished blowing a man's soul to Heaven. But what really had his fangs threatening to slash out was her dress, if it could be called that, with the poor fucking job it did at covering anything pertinent. Her tits looked as if they were about to pop out from her strapless excuse of a dress, and her killer heels would make any man want to push her against the wall and fuck her.

"You're crazy," he snarled, "if you think I'm going to let you walk out of here dressed like that—-"

"I'm going to do more than that, actually," Spencer interrupted coolly. "I'm going to head to a place where I sold my virginity to and ask for a Round Two!" She saw Etienne stiffen, and her lips stretched into a smile that failed to reach her eyes. "So if you'll excuse me..." She stalked past him, head held high, and did her best to ignore the pitiful little voice inside her head that was begging her to look back.

But I won't. I won't look back. I won't.

It had crushed her when she found out Etienne knew about her feelings, and although she could understand why he hadn't said anything, it didn't make a difference. It still felt humiliating, and her first instinct had been to hide under the covers and bawl her eyes out for days. But to do that was yield what little pride she had left, and that was when her mind had taken on a crazy bent.

Etienne mentally swore as he watched Spencer walk past him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. If Spencer was going to VIP Productions, one call was all it would take for him to once again slip into the role of her anonymous lover, but if he did that, it would also mean deceiving her for the second time, and even he drew a line at that. He might not be that knowledgeable about affairs of the heart, but even he knew that would be unforgivable. And so the only way that was left....

Spencer let out a little cry when she reached the last landing, and Etienne was already there. "H-how—-"

"You know how."

Her heart started racing as she watched Etienne push himself off from the wall he had been leaning against, and when he began walking towards her, it felt like she was about to have a heart attack. Why did he have to be so immensely elegant and sexy and - oh my God, why was she wasting time just standing here and thinking all these stupid thoughts?

Spencer immediately made a move to avoid him, but it was too late.

She was trapped once again, her body caged between his the steely wall of his body and the balustrade which his fingers were now gripping to lock her in.

"Let me go," she gritted out.


"Why?" Hazel eyes flew up to him in stony challenge, but even that, Etienne saw, wasn't enough to mask the pain he had unintentionally inflicted in her. "I've been working for you for years, and you always leave the moment a woman thinks she's in love and gets a little too clingy—-"

"Is that a promise you'll start clinging?"

"It's a promise that I won't be an idiot," she hissed, "just because I'm in love with you. I know what you're doing here. The only reason you don't want to let go is—-"

"Because I'm in love with you, too."

Chapter Ten

HE HAD TO BE JOKING. The words played over and over in her mind even as Spencer found herself following Etienne to his car, where they were supposed to talk in private. He insisted on driving, too, and this only made things feel more surreal. And weird. It didn't seem right that it was her boss behind the wheel while she sat next to him with nothing to do.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"A friend's party—-" And seeing the look of surprise on her face, he said silkily, "So that lovely dress of yours won't go to waste."

"But you said you wanted to talk—-"

"Isn't that what we're doing now?"

While speaking, Etienne reached for her hand without warning, and before she could even react, he was already bending his head to place a small kiss on her knuckles.


The sensation of his lips against her skin immediately had Spencer catching her breath...and holding it as his smoldering gaze met hers. "Is it really that hard to believe, mi vavli?"

Her mind said yes, her heart begged to differ, but it was her body that ended up crying and aching when Etienne slowly released her hand, and her breath whooshed out of her.

"You...I..." Spencer was finding it increasingly difficult to think. "Never...not one...clue..."

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