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Seeing Spencer suddenly start blinking rapidly like a woman refusing to cry, Anderson quickly pulled out the master's chair and the girl immediately collapsed on it.

"Was I really that obvious?"

"Not to the master, if that is what you're worried about."

"You never said a thing."

"It would've made things pointlessly awkward at that time, but now that things have changed for the better...I sincerely believe you and the master complement each other very well, miss."

"I wish I could say the same," she mumbled, "but so many things have suddenly changed, and I don't even know what I should care about first."

"You learned about the master's true nature at the expense of nearly losing your life in a vampire attack," Anderson gently pointed out. "It's entirely understandable that you're still shaken and traumatized—-"

"But that's the thing, Anderson. It would make more sense if I cared more about that, but instead all I'm worried about is whether he truly cares for me."

"I see."

"That makes me crazy, doesn't it?"

"I'm afraid it does, miss."


"A joke, miss, just a joke."

Her gaze narrowed. "You didn't sound like you were joking."

It was Anderson's turn to change the subject, saying, "Please excuse me, miss. I believe I'm needed in the kitchen."

"You're the butler, not the cook."

But the older man had already beaten a quick retreat, and she could only glower at the sight of the butler's retreating back. Coward.

Left to her own devices in Etienne's nerdy bat cave, she reached for the book on the top of the pile, wondering absently if perhaps Caros turned into bats the way vampires were supposed to.

Flipping the book open, she realized soon enough that it was a history primer written for Caro middle-schoolers, and one particularly interesting thing that captured her attention was a chapter on the two main divisions of Caro society.

All old bloods are purebloods, but not all purebloods are old bloods.

Huh. That sounded too complicated for her, so she moved on to the next book, which fortunately turned out to be more to her taste. It was a primer on the different races that were unknown to human kind, and Spencer was stunned to find that there were a lot of them that had been living in secret among humans. There were shapeshifters galore, Faeries, winged creatures, and then...finally, she made it to the chapter that tackled the most distinct traits of Caros.

Blood drinkers, weak against sunlight, inherently selfish and predisposed to cultivate a possibly dangerous dependency on any person, object, or habit that can deliver a satisfying amount of gratification.

Their sense of racial loyalty is shaped by their violent history and not to be confused with bigotry,

As with other races, they possess extraordinarily heightened senses...

Spencer put the book down as something about the last line she read nagged at her.

Her mind drifted back to the night of the attack. He had been a lot stronger than what was normal, she recalled, but she didn't think this was what was making her feel restless. It was something else, something she had forgotten...

WHEN ETIENNE RETURNED to his home, he was surprised to hear from Anderson that Spencer had already left. It wasn't like her to do so without telling him first, and unease stirred inside of him when his call to her phone was immediately redirected to voicemail.

Something had happened. His guts told him so, and he found himself walking swiftly to where Anderson said she had spent most of her time in. Inside the secret room at the back of the library, he noticed the pile of books on the desk, and he went through them one by one.

A history book...a primer on the different non-human races...and that was when it hit him.

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