Page 14 of Beast

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“Episode 9!” one of the students yell.

“Okay, you guys sit and enjoy while I mark your papers.” I smile at them before I click play on the laptop.

Breaking Bad starts playing and Beast approaches as I am marking. “You’re letting them watch Breaking Bad?” he asks.

“Uh huh, they are old enough,” I comment, not looking up at him.

“It’s about making and selling drugs,” he points out.

“I know, but it is also technically science,” I add.

“The parents can’t be happy about this.” He sighs.

“They don’t know. Each student has vowed to keep it within our group. They do the short test each Monday, followed by half an episode of Breaking Bad. It’s a reward for them doing the test,” I answer, still working through the papers.

“Man, I wish I had you as my teacher when I was growing up. Not only would you be my wank bank material, but damn, I would have loved to sit and watch TV in lessons,” Beast states.

I look up at him and raise my brow. “Wank bank material?” I question on a whisper.

He smiles. “Yeah darlin’, as a teen, I did a lot of wanking, as do most of the fuckers in this room.”

I look at the class who are thankfully busy watching Breaking Bad. “Shh. You can’t call them that, and also, eww. I do not need a mental image of those boys jerking themselves off.” I shudder.

Beast smiles. “Then maybe think of me instead,” he says before walking back to his seat on the other side of the room. Now all I can think about is Beast jacking one off. The thought has me feeling aroused yet mortified.



I haven’t felt like this since I was a 16 year old kid with my teacher, Miss Winters. All day I have had to sit and watch her move around in that skirt that hugs her curves and highlights her plump ass. I bet my fucking house that almost all the students—boys and girls—have a fucking hard-on for her, and she is completely oblivious. Even that weed, Steven, is walking around with a chubby for her. If he was any more obvious, he would be humping her leg. Even now as I watch her across the bar, dressed down in her pale grey sweats and tank top, she is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“You drool anymore, and I will have to give you one of Enzo’s bibs,” Star says, elbowing me in the side.

I grunt and look down at her. She winks. “That obvious?” I ask, smirking.

“Beast, you may as well piss a circle around her now and claim her as yours. We can all see it. We are just waiting for you to admit it,” she states.

“Oh, I admit it, but I don’t want to scare her off,” I tell her, not that I’ve been subtle.

“Seriously, what are you waiting for? Go for it already. She is in to you. Go ask her out, fuck like rabbits, and claim her,” Star orders. “Jeez, you guys are these big tough bikers, you kill people, blah, blah, blah. But when it comes to women, you are all a bunch of pussies,” she rants. “Nothing good comes from waiting. Well, apart from tantric sex. That shit is off the scale, but the only time I’ve wanted to choke slam Ghost, that teetering on the edge of orgasm and waiting, is enough to make anyone go loco. But the final result, earth shattering. Like mind fucking blown. I swear my leg didn’t stop twitching for a week.” Star tuts, shaking her head.

“Darlin’, as much as I’ve seen you fucking, and believe me, it was an incredible sight. Right now, I don’t want to hear about your incredible sex life,” I state.

“Fair enough, but don’t let Ghost hear you talk about that night. Even though it was his idea, he doesn’t like to be reminded that you’ve seen me being claimed,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, you haven’t gone that long without sex. You were fucking that bunny. What’s her name, gonorrhoea? No, chlamydia, no, that’s not it, syphilis,” she says, clicking her fingers.

“Phillis.” I smirk.

“Close enough, damn, that’s an old name for a young slut. Anyway, you were screwing her, right?” she asks.

“I was. I kicked her out my bed the first night Belle arrived,” I admit.

Star’s mouth hangs open wide. “Oh my god, you are serious. I mean, sure, that was what, a few nights ago. It’s hardly you declaring celibacy for the girl, but good on you!” she praises, like I’ve achieved some kind of greatness.

“Yeah, well, I ain’t making my claim just yet. She saw Phillis that night. I want her to know I’m serious,” I add.

“Just ask her out. You don’t have to sleep with her straight away,” Star suggests. I raise my brow at her suggestion. She shakes her head. “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. I just heard what I said. So, you take her out, you both fuck, you have a great time, then everyone is happy.” She smiles.

“No, I’m not asking her out. I will tell her. I’ve asked before and that hasn’t worked out so well for me in the past. She knows I want her, and she wants me. When I think she’s ready, I will tell her she’s mine,” I state, taking a drink of my beer.

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