Page 15 of Beast

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“Damn, hope that works out well for you. If Ghost tries to tell me what to do,” she comments.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve seen what happens when anyone tries to tell you what to do.” I laugh.

Star slaps my arm, laughing. “Look, just don’t leave things too long and miss your chance,” she says, patting my arm before she walks away.

Belle’s eyes flicker across the room to mine, her smile faltering a little as her cheeks heat. She tucks her rich auburn hair behind her ear, and all I can think is if she keeps looking at me in that way, I’m not sure how long I can wait to claim her.

“Church,” Cash says quietly from behind me before he tells the rest of the brothers. Placing my beer down on the bar, I walk into the room to see Ghost sat with a cigarette in his hand. Not a good sign, because he’d actually managed to give up smoking, and now we only ever see him smoking when he is stressed or close to murder, or maybe post-murder, for that matter.

I sit down. “Who has died, or who is going to die?” I ask as the rest of the brothers take their seats.

“Bobby’s been attacked,” he states.

We all frown, confused and shocked. Bobby practically runs that prison. There aren’t many that isn’t on his payroll, and no one is stupid enough to try anything, knowing what the repercussions are.

“Charlie?” I ask.

Ghost nods. “It’s got to be, because no one else is that fucking stupid. He’s okay, currently in hospital, but he’s been scarred,” Ghost states.

“Scarred?” Rage asks.

“Yeah, this was a message. They didn’t intend on killing him. They pinned him down and fucking dragged a blade from above his eye, down to his jaw. When the guards found him, half his cheek was hanging off. They purposefully didn’t damage his eye, so he has to see that scar every time he looks in a mirror,” Ghost says through gritted teeth.

“A reminder. Smart,” Rage adds, nodding his head.

“Brother, it ain’t when it happens to one of our own,” I correct him.

“No, just admiring the technique.” Rage shrugs.

“You’re terrifying, you know that, right?” Hawk asks him.

Rage shrugs. “Dixie just says I’m misunderstood.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Charles Manson probably said the same thing.” Hawk smirks.

We all smirk, apart from Rage, who looks unphased by Hawk’s remark.

“Alright, enough. Bobby called from his hospital bed. He doesn’t want Belle finding out about this,” Ghost states.

“Well, she is going to find out when she sees her dad next, especially when he has a great big fuck off scar down his face,” I point out.

“He knows. He just doesn’t want to worry her yet. For now, if she asks to see her father, then we just say she can’t right now because it’s not safe. No more explanation is necessary. She is to stay here. Not to go out. We are essentially locking her down. If they can get to Bobby like that, then it won’t take them much to find her here,” Ghost explains.

“What about her job? How are we supposed to tell her not to go to that and not explain the reasons why?” I ask.

“We tell her it’s not safe. It’s not a lie. We tell her Bobby warned us, so that’s why she can’t go to work or see her father right now. We just don’t tell her that her father has had his fucking face slashed,” Ghost warns, staring at me.

“What are you warning me for? I ain’t going to tell her,” I snap.

“Because you’ve got feelings for her,” Ghost points out.

“Yeah, he’s feeling fucking erect every time she walks in the fucking room.” Spider laughs.

I flip Spider off. “Firstly, thanks for the lack of trust Pres, really reassuring, and secondly Spider, fuck you.”

Ghost smirks. “Hey, no offence, brother. I just know how hard it is keeping shit from Star. Women are like bloodhounds. If they think you’re keeping shit from them, once they get the slightest scent something ain’t right, they hunt out the damn truth.”

“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Cash agrees.

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