Page 13 of Beast

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Thankfully, we make it through the next 2 classes without a problem. I take Beast down to the canteen. “Grab a tray.” I point.

He smiles. “I haven’t had canteen food since I was at school.” He shakes his head. We get our food and take a seat. “So, you going to tell me who the asshole in tweed is that keeps looking over here like a lovesick puppy?” he asks.

I look over my shoulder to see who Beast is on about. I smile and wave. “That’s Steven, Mr. Weaks.” I shrug.

“You fucking him?” Beast asks bluntly.

I cough. “Shh, you can’t say things like that, and not that it’s any of your business, but no, he is just a friend,” I add.

“Well, your friend is coming over, and I’m telling you he wants your pussy,” he mutters. I glare daggers at him, but Beast just winks and picks up his hot dog, taking a large bite out of it.

“Hi, Miss O’Connor,” Steven greets.

I turn to look up at him, wiping my hands on the napkin. “Hey Steve, how are you? Good?” I ask, feeling awkward because of what Beast just said.

Steven smiles and gives Beast an uncomfortable look. “Good, good, um, I was just wondering if you were free to?—”

“She’s busy,” Beast says, cutting him off.

Steven coughs an uncomfortable laugh. “I’m sorry, who are you?” he asks.

I finish chewing my food. “I’m sorry, Steven. This is Mr. Smith, he’s going to be assisting me for a while.” I smile. Beast leans on his elbows and stares back at Steven, while eating his food. I try to give Beast a chastising look, but he ignores me.

“Right, so as I was saying, if you would be free to maybe go out for a bite and...” Steven begins to ask again.

“Already said she’s busy. You know, for a teacher, you ain’t so bright,” Beast states.

Steven’s face goes red. “Well, I’m asking Miss O’Connor, not you,” he snaps.

Beast smirks. “And I’m speaking for Belle, she’s busy.”

I sigh and place my head in my hands. Steven lets out a laugh. “Listen pal, I don’t know who you think you are, but just back off,” he says snidely.

Beast brushes off his hands and stands. He walks around the table to Steven, stopping just in front of him. “I will give you a little clue to exactly who I am. You see this tattoo on my arm? You think you can read it?” Beast asks, pointing to a tattoo on his forearm. Steven looks down at his arm, his eyes going wide as he reads it. “There you go, genius. Now, why don’t you read it out aloud for all of us to hear?” Beast presses.

“Mr. Smith, enough. You’ve made your point,” I say, trying to step in.

“No, Sparky here thinks he’s the big man, but now the big man needs to know what kind of a giant he’s facing,” Beast growls in warning. “Read.”

“Black Hearts MC, Brother in arms,” Steven says, his voice wavering with fear.

“There you go, good boy. Now, do you know what brother in arms stand for?” he asks Steven in a mock baby voice. “Well, let me tell you, it means I fight alongside my brothers. It means if I don’t like someone, they don’t like someone, and if I want to kill someone, they will be there right alongside me, ready.” Beast smiles while patting Steven on the back like they were talking sports.

“Enough, Steven. I’m sorry. It’s just not a good time right now,” I say. Steven nods sheepishly before scurrying off. I place my hands on my hips and glare at Beast. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I hiss.

Beast smiles. “How long have you got?” he mocks.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Do you have any idea that what you have done today could get me sacked? Not just from this job, but I would never be allowed to work in a school again, because I brought an outlaw biker into a school with me!” I snap, a little too loudly that a few students look our way.

Beast at least has the audacity to look a little apologetic for his behaviour. He takes my hands in his and gently strokes his thumb back and forth across my hand. “I’m sorry. I was just looking out for you,” he apologises. “Plus, dorky dick face was being a dick. I had to put him in his place. I promise, nothing but a star student from me,” he adds while crossing his heart.

I smile and shake my head. “Fine, but if you step out of line again, you can go wait in the truck.”

It’s my final class of the day, and so far, Beast has done what he promised and sat quietly in the corner. I keep looking at the clock, wating for the bell to ring and the day to be over. I can’t have him come to work with me every day. I will end up losing my job. The room is silent as the class take their weekly recap test, something I do at the start of each week to make sure they are understanding the work we are doing. It shows me where they are at, and I can make sure I can teach them all at a level that no one will get left behind.

As the clock ticks around, I call time on the test. “Okay, pencils down everyone, and pass your papers to the front of the class for collecting,” I instruct.

I take their papers and place them on my desk. “Okay, what episode were we on?” I ask, going to my laptop and connecting it to the screen.

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