Page 102 of Finding You

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“For being you, Carter.”

His grin was wicked. “You could thank me by kissing me again.”

“Okay,” she whispered before his lips captured hers once again.


Later Carter stood out on the Larsens’ enormous deck and looked out over their tremendous backyard. Above him the sun had started to set, bringing with it a cool mid-October breeze and a slight chill. The hum of traffic in the distance filled the air, along with the scent of a nearby wood-burning fireplace.

He tried to imagine what it would be like to have all of these things—a huge house with all of the amenities in a beautiful neighborhood, a loving wife, a family, a future. But it all seemed foreign to him.

Carter had enjoyed the evening with Darcy’s parents and Robyn, and he felt a glimmer of hope when he thought of a future with this family. He was beginning to believe what Ross had told him—that somehow he and Darcy would work out the details of their life together. He smiled. He couldn’t wait to move forward with those plans.

“Are you taking a breather from the photo album discussion?”

When Carter turned, he found Ross standing behind him holding two cans of Coke. He held one out to him.

“I thought the women could use some time alone.” He grasped the soda. “Thanks, Ross.”

The men both popped open their cans and then leaned on the deck railing.

Carter took a long draw of soda and then focused on Ross. “What do you think of Robyn?”

“She’s great.” Ross pivoted to face the sliding glass door that led to the family room, where the women were still gathered around a photo album and laughing. “I can tell she makes my daughter happy, and that’s what matters.”

Darcy’s father looked out at his large pool. “My fear was always that her biological mother wouldn’t be interested in her. Or that she wouldn’t want to be found. I’m relieved and grateful it worked out for them both. It’s obvious that she and Darcy care about each other very much. Robyn is a lot younger than Josie and I are, so Darcy will have her in her life when we’re gone.”

Carter took another drink of the cool liquid and peered through the sliding glass door to where Josie, Robyn, and Darcy laughed together. “I’m so glad to see Darcy happy with them.”

“I feel the same way,” Ross said.


“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” Robyn told Darcy as they walked out to her car together.

Darcy smiled at her biological mother. “I’m so glad you came.” She paused and thought of her brothers. “I really would like to meet Graham and my brothers.”

Then she stilled, waiting for Robyn’s response. Maybe now that Robyn had met her adoptive parents, she would change her mind.

“You will.” Robyn opened her door and tossed her purse inside.

“Okay,” she said, her hope deflating. “I know you need to take your time.”

Robyn touched Darcy’s arm. “This is new for me. I always prayed I’d find you, but now that I have, I don’t know what the right timeline is for you to meet my sons.”

“I understand.”

“It’s not anything against you, Darcy. They’re young. I don’t know how they’re going to react.” Her expression warmed. “I promise you that when the time is right, you’ll meet them. Just be patient with me, okay?”

Darcy sniffed before nodding.

“Please know I don’t mean to hurt you. You’re important to me.” Robyn licked her lips. “If you ever need me, text me. If it’s four a.m. and you want to talk, I’m here for you.” She leaned on the car door. “Keep in touch, Darcy.”

“I will.” Darcy stood on the pavement as Robyn drove away, wrestling with her disappointment. She hoped she could have Keaton and Brayden in her life sooner rather than later, but she understood that such a complicated situation would take time.

When she heard footsteps behind her, she pivoted to find Carter sidling up to her.

“It was a great night, huh?”

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