Page 101 of Finding You

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“Yes. So much better than I imagined. My parents want to meet Robyn, and I feel like this giant weight has been lifted.” She sighed. “I was so afraid I’d hurt them, but that wasn’t the case at all.”

“Awesome.” He squeezed her fingers.

They were quiet for a moment while he drove. She pulled her hand back, and he placed both of his hands on the wheel.

When he felt her watching him, he glanced over at her. “Are you staring at me?” he asked with a chuckle.

“What were you and my dad talking about in the garage?”

He shrugged. “Cars.”

“Really?” She leaned toward him. “You had a pretty intense look on your face when I opened the door and invited you in for cake.”

Carter tried to act casual, but his laugh sounded nervous to his own ears. “Well, you know, Darce, cars can be pretty intense.”

She smiled, and he relaxed. “It’s cool that you and my dad get along so well.”

“I agree.” He rested his left arm on the car door and kept his right hand on the wheel.

Carter stared at the road ahead as the truth threatened to spill from his mouth. He was still keeping secrets, and the longer he waited to share the truth with Darcy, the more painful it would be to tell her.

But if he wanted a future with her, she needed to know everything.


Darcy wondered if she was dreaming. It was a Saturday evening three weeks later, and she was sitting in the family room with Carter, her parents, and Robyn. They were all smiling and laughing while Mom flipped through a photo album on her lap and shared the story of Darcy’s first day at kindergarten.

“When she got home that afternoon, Darcy said the best part of her day was when they went to art class and they arted,” Mom said before guffawing.

Darcy rolled her eyes. “She loves telling that story.”

“It’s a great story.” Dad beamed from his favorite wing chair across the room.

Carter winked at Darcy from his seat beside her. “I can’t wait to hear more so I can tease you about it later.”

The entire evening had gone perfectly. Darcy and Carter had headed over early to help Mom make beef Wellington and prepare the dining room. When Robyn had arrived, Darcy was nearly moved to tears to see her and Mom hug each other. She was certain she had imagined it, but now they were all here, laughing together.

“Oh, look at that haircut.” Robyn clucked her tongue as she pointed to Darcy’s first grade portrait.

Mom gave Darcy a knowing smile. “That was when she wanted to be like the other cool girls at school.”

A flush crawled up Darcy’s neck, and she gathered their empty glasses. “I’ll start cleaning up the kitchen.”

“I’ll help.” Carter popped up from his seat and picked up their dessert plates, which were dotted with crumbs from her mom’s delicious chocolate chip cheesecake. Then he followed her into the kitchen. “They’re getting along great in there.”

Darcy opened the dishwasher and set the glasses on the top shelf while Carter placed the stack of dishes on the counter.

She pivoted and found Carter standing directly behind her. His nearness made nervous pleasure shimmy through her entire body. “It’s going so much better than I imagined. Did you see them hug when Robyn arrived? I nearly sobbed right there.”

Carter’s dark eyes smoldered as he rested his hands on her hips. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?”

“No.” She shook her head, and her lips quirked. “You definitely need to tell me more often.”

His lips brushed against hers, and when Darcy leaned into the kiss, she felt dizzy and warm all over. He gently pulled back, and she held on to his muscular shoulders to steady herself. They were firm and solid under her palms.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

His eyes seemed to search hers. “For what?”

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