Page 103 of Finding You

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“Yeah, it was.” She looped her arm around his trim waist. “I asked Robyn if I could meet my brothers again, but she said not yet.”

“Maybe this is a difficult adjustment for her.”

“I know it is. She told me so herself.” She paused and huffed out a sigh. “I thought it would feel different, you know? That I’d meet my birth mother, and everything would be fixed, but it hurts to know that while I love her, Robyn is still a stranger in many ways.” She linked her pinky with his. “You’re pretty great, you know.”

“You are too.”

She stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his cheek.


Later that evening Darcy stood in her bedroom and held up the wardrobe bag that contained her wedding gown. She had found it in the back of her guest room closet and placed it on her bed. Then she gently set the gown inside a plastic storage container from the garage.

Moving to her jewelry box, she retrieved the wedding bands and her engagement ring and added them to the container. After closing it, she pushed it to the corner of her room and stared at it.

Resting her hand on her chest, she smiled. It was time to let Jace go. She would never forget him and the love they’d shared. He would always have a piece of her heart, but it was time to open herself up to Carter. She would tell him she loved him, and she hoped he would tell her that he loved her too. Her body felt relaxed and peaceful at the thought. Now she just had to find the perfect opportunity to share her truth.


“I can’t believe I’m getting married in ten days, Darcy,” Haven announced the following Wednesday evening. “Ten days. How’d that happen?”

Sitting across from her at Haven’s kitchen table, Darcy gave her best friend an encouraging smile. “It’s going to be fine, Haven. Now put me to work.”

“Thankfully my mom loves all of this party planning stuff, and she finished the seating chart.” She handed Darcy a printout of the table numbers and the names. “My mom’s also handling table tents. She followed up with the caterer and the photographer. My cousin Allyson is the wedding coordinator, so she has the order of events and the schedule worked out. She’s going to keep us all on task at the church and the reception hall.”

Haven flipped through her notebook, which apparently had pages and pages of wedding plans. “Oh! Is Carter coming to the rehearsal dinner with you?”

“Yes, he is.”

Haven looked up from the book and frowned. “Oh no. I’m a terrible friend. I never asked about your dinner with your birth mom and your folks.” She grimaced. “Forgive me.”

“It’s fine, Haven.” Darcy pointed to her notebook. “You kinda have a lot going on.”

“How’d it go?”

Darcy smiled. “It went well.” She shared how her mom and her biological mother hugged when they first met and how they spent hours going through photo albums and sharing stories. “They thanked each other. I was so happy and overwhelmed that I had tears in my eyes.”

“I’m so happy for you.” Haven gave her shoulder a squeeze. “And how’s Carter?”

Darcy blew out a deep breath and rested her elbows on the table. “He’s thoughtful, supportive, sweet, funny, and he knows how to kiss.” She fanned herself as if suddenly coming down with a case of the vapors. “Oh my goodness, does that man know how to kiss.”

Haven lifted an eyebrow. “Has he told you that he loves you?”

A quiver passed through her. “No, but I’m ready to tell him.”

“I’m so happy for you, Darce.” Haven pointed to her notebook. “Now, maid of honor, we have centerpieces to finish.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Darcy smiled, ready to help her best friend have the wedding of her dreams.


The following Friday afternoon, Carter scooped a large spoonful of canned cat food into the bowl while Smoky stood nearby and yowled.

“This stinks. You’ll love it.” He placed the bowl down on the concrete floor, and the gray tabby cat began inhaling it as if he hadn’t eaten in a year. “Enjoy, buddy.” He tossed the can and turned to face his brother-in-law, who was leaning over a car. “See ya later, Gage.”

Gage stood and wiped his hands on a red shop towel. “You’re heading out already?” Then he snapped his fingers as understanding lit in his eyes. “Tonight’s the rehearsal dinner for Derek’s wedding, right?”

“Yup.” Carter grabbed his truck keys, and they jingled in his hand. “I’m Darcy’s date. I need to clean up before I meet her. They’re having the rehearsal at his church and then the dinner afterward. Derek’s family rented out the entire Italian restaurant on Godwin Avenue. Darcy’s riding over with Haven, but I’m taking her home.”

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