Page 38 of Viktor

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“Agata, there is nothing to discuss. I know that your family has served mine for centuries. I was not in favor of having you join me here in Charleston, but it seemed important to you, so I acquiesced. I now have cause to second guess that decision.”

“Please, Viktor.”

He waved his hand. “In light of the lengthy history between our families and yours, until now, exemplary service to me, I will overlook your transgression. You are to treat Ms. Ravenel with the courtesy and respect she is due.”

“She is an American,” Agata all but spat.

“She is my woman…”

“Your submissive.”

“My fiancée as soon as I get a ring on her finger.”

He wasn’t sure how that had come out of his mouth so easily or how right it felt to say it. All he knew was that it did, and that it caught Agata up short.

“I was unaware…”

“And now you are. Let me be clear, should Emerson ever have cause to complain about you, I will have your things packed and you removed back to the UK before the end of the day.”

“You cannot do this. You are not the tzar, and this is not Imperial Russia.”

“No. I am a man the CIA, MI-6, and several other intelligence agencies want to be on my good side. Having a domestic servant deported back to London would take nothing more than a phone call on my part. The Romanovs will always take care of your family and those in it, but we will not tolerate insolent behavior. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Viktor.”

“Good. Show yourself out. Your services won’t be needed upstairs until next week. I will have Emerson call you to set up your new schedule.”

Agata stood stiffly. He felt a momentary pang of conscience and then remembered her outrageous behavior had almost cost him Emerson. Although she might have helped to speed things along.

Before Fitz could arrive, Viktor turned his chair so that he could look out over the harbor as he placed a call to the family’s jeweler in Antwerp and ordered a ring that would complement and rival the collar Emerson now wore around her neck.

“So, it’s a ring now, in addition to the collar,” came the distinctive brogue. Like Viktor, Fitzwallace could move like a wraith when it suited him.

“What is it your people say? In for a penny, in for a pound?”

“I don’t think I’d put it like that to Emerson, but aye, there’s no need to wait when you’ve found the one. She’s going to keep you on your toes. Maybe you can get her to agree to take a retainer from Cerberus.”

Viktor chuckled. “I’ll see if I can’t get you the friends and family discount.”

Fitz lifted up a tablet. “I’ve been working on these this morning with Damon and King about preliminary plans for converting the infrastructure of the Carriage House. I’d like to get it set up so that it works in a similar way to Baker Street and Southside with regards to security and intelligence…”

As Fitz droned on, Viktor found it difficult to concentrate on what he was saying. He understood enough of it to be impressed, and later he vaguely remembered discussing how Viktor would juggle running both entities out of the location, what his responsibilities would entail, what his team would be focused on, and that kind of thing.

The problem was at the back of his mind were two issues. The first was how much longer would it be before he could get back inside Emerson. The second was who had sent her that anonymous email… and why?



“Ooh la la,” said Kendra when Emerson joined them in the office.

Her sister was right, the outfit she’d found in Viktor’s closet was gorgeous. The A-line skirt was made of a lightweight knit and when she’d twirled around in it, she’d felt much like she had as a child. The top was a simple tank with the same background color as the skirt and a hand-painted abstract design. Emerson had pulled her hair back in a simple side braid. She felt strong and sexy, which seemed an interesting combination. She’d never thought the two would go together, but she found they did.

Emerson laughed. “I know. Whoever Viktor hired to buy me some things for his place did a good job. Interesting to note there were no pants, leggings, and no panties, whatsoever. Better yet? They were arranged in what things went with what—sort of like an adult version of Garanimals.”

“Well, you look beautiful and happy. I take it you and Viktor worked things out.”

Walking to her desk, Emerson rolled her eyes. “This whole thing with Romanov has thrown me for a loop. I never expected—well, anything. I overreacted, but we worked things out. Should I be worried about how much I’m enjoying this? There’s a kind of peace that comes with submitting to Viktor.”

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