Page 37 of Viktor

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The car was slowing, turning into the private parking lot of the club. Away from prying eyes, only those with elite status at the club would be able to see them. As the car rolled to a stop, the air inside the back was heavy with the scent of their sex. Emerson tried to disengage from him as the door was opened, revealing her astride his cock in the interior light, but was prevented from doing so when he placed his hands on her hips, settling her more firmly on his lap.

“Will that be all, sir?” asked the driver, not looking at Emerson, body slick and glowing from their encounter.


“Very good, sir,” the driver said, going to stand at the front of the Rolls.

“I don’t suppose you’d let me get dressed, would you?” she asked.

“No, I wouldn’t.”

Viktor lifted her off him and stepped outside, stuffing his cock back behind his fly and zipping up. He offered her his hand, which she took, and made no protest when he hoisted her naked body back over his shoulder as he walked to his private elevator.

“I suppose I can let Kendra know the two of you have returned safely?” drawled Sterling.

“You may. You may also tell her not to expect her sister until she sees her.” Viktor carried her up to his penthouse and into the bedroom where he tossed her on the bed, following her down and proceeding to spend the night reveling in her response to him.

The following morning, he was up and dressed when he crossed to their bed. He pulled back the covers and allowed his gaze to caress her lush and well-used curves. He would have given anything to have been able to call Fitz and simply tell him he would join Cerberus, but he knew there was more to it than that.

“Viktor?” she mumbled sleepily.

“I am here, malenkaya.”

“Can you not leave without telling me?”

“Of course. Why don’t you sleep a little longer? I’ll leave the car and driver downstairs at your disposal. I have to meet with Fitzwallace, but if you like, you can get dressed and go home to work.”

“I don’t know where my clothes are,” she admitted with a sexy smile. “They seem to have a way of just coming off and disappearing when I’m around you.”

“Yes, they do. It’s a very good thing for them to do. I had some things sent over from a couple of the shops and put in the closet for you. Choose what you like. If you don’t like anything, you can choose something else. I will send the car for you at five o’clock this afternoon. Behave yourself.”

“No promises,” she teased. He reached down and gave her distended nipple a nasty twist. She only laughed and said, “Yes, Master.”

“Better,” he said kissing the offended tip.

He headed down to his office, calling Agata to join him and in particular admonishing her to stay away from his home. After ending the call with Agata, he called Fitz.

“Rumor is you had a momentous night,” laughed the Scotsman.

“There was a misunderstanding, we discussed it, and that is the end of it.”

“I find those discussions go best when they’re either draped over your lap or your cock is shoved so far up their pussy they can’t think straight.”

From any other man, that kind of language might be offensive, but Viktor was well aware of the deep and abiding love Fitz had for his wife, and found he now aspired to have the same.

“Good advice. I will keep it in mind. I wanted to let you know that I will accept your generous offer to work with Cerberus and house the Charleston office here in the club. I know you usually take the top floor for Cerberus…”

“I know your home is on the top floor, but I have a couple of ideas how we can reconfigure things without too much expense or disruption. The expense, of course, will be picked up by Cerberus. I’d like to come by and show you what I have in mind so that we can get with an architect and get started.”

There was a knock on his office door, and Agata was shown inside. As he was just finishing up his conversation with Fitz, Viktor waved her into a chair on the opposite side of his desk. His groin tightened as he had a sudden flash of Emerson sitting at his feet under his desk. That would go a long way to relieving the stress that came with the kind of work he did. He would need to talk to Fitz about certain items he needed to finish for MI-6. Perhaps that was something Cerberus could help him with.

“Would you mind telling me what you thought you were doing when you told Ms. Ravenel she was not welcome in my home?”

“She was there, by herself. She could have been snooping in your things.”

“If she was, that would be my business, not yours. Your behavior towards Emerson was unwarranted, unprofessional, and intolerable. It will never happen again.”

“Viktor…” she started.

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