Page 39 of Viktor

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Kendra shook her head. “No. I would think you—even more than T and I—would benefit from just being able to turn things over to someone who finds peace in his dominance.”

“Is that why you top from the bottom? At least that’s what Viktor calls it.”

“Probably. Sterling’s a great guy; I can be a bit of a brat. Some Doms enjoy that, I’m not sure Sterling is one of them and I’m not sure I want to change.”

“Really?” asked Emerson.

“I do, and I don’t. I don’t really want to submit, and yet I do.”

“Maybe Sterling isn’t the right Dom for you,” suggested Tegan.

Kendra laughed. “Why do you think I’m not wearing his collar?”

Emerson smiled as she sat down at her desk, the warm sunlight streaming through the large windows of their shared office. She was deeply engrossed in appraising the pre-Columbian pot she’d been working on for a new client she’d met at the recent gala—the same gala where she’d met Viktor. The rhythmic tapping of her keyboard, as well as that of her sisters, soon became the only sound in the otherwise quiet room.

Her concentration was broken as she could make out faint voices coming from the foyer, growing louder as they approached. Emerson looked to see Oliver Toney as he appeared in the doorway. His presence filled the space with an unsettling energy. Standing just behind him was Tegan, her face a mix of worry and determination.

"Mr. Toney," Emerson said, standing and forcing a calm tone in her voice. "I don’t recall inviting you to our office, and I thought I made it clear that Ravenel Reliance no longer wishes to do business with you. So, what brings you here today?"

Without a word, Toney approached her desk, producing a legal-looking document and handed it to her, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Oh, you’ll do business with me. You have fourteen days to buy my share of Ravenel Reliance. If you fail to do so, the business—the entire business—becomes mine."

Emerson's eyes flicked over the document, doing a quick review. Her expression hardened as she realized what it was. “This is a forgery,” she said, balling up the paper and tossing it back at him. “Take your trash and leave."

Toney chuckled, letting the crumpled paper fall to the floor untouched. "Not to worry," he said, stepping closer to her desk. "I have the original in a safe location."

Before Emerson could react, Toney grabbed her braid and gave it a hard yank. The sudden pain made her gasp, her eyes watering. She knocked his hand away. It was one thing for Viktor to fist her hair or to give it a tug. It was another thing for an asshole like Toney to do it.

Kendra stood, reaching for her phone. "I'm calling the police."

Toney's smile widened as he glanced at Kendra. "I wouldn’t if I were you, unless of course you want all the illegal and unethical things your parents did when they were forming Ravenel Reliance to come out. That would be a shame, don’t you think? All the work you’ve done gone like that,” he said, snapping his fingers.

Emerson locked eyes with her sisters, conveying a silent but firm 'no.' Kendra hesitated, her phone hovering in the air.

"That's right," Toney said with a slimy smile. "Smart girls. We can keep this friendly. There’s more than one way to pay off your debt. I’m not a monster; I’m rich and don’t really need the money. I would be willing to barter if the price was right.” He glanced from Emerson to Tegan to Kendra and back to Emerson. “I’m willing to be reasonable. A slut trained at Carriage House? That would be nice. I hear you girls spread your legs whenever one of those assholes wants. It seems to me Romanov has claimed his prize. I’m not picky; I would settle for one of your sisters.”

Emerson straightened, her heart pounding but her face betraying nothing. "Get out, Toney," she said quietly. "We don’t need the police. Viktor has assigned some of his men to watch over the estate while we upgrade security. You want a fight with us? You’d better bring more than a piece of paper."

Toney laughed again, a dark, hollow sound. "We'll see," he said, turning on his heel and strolling out of the office, leaving the crumpled document where it lay.

Tegan rushed to her side. "Are you okay?"

Emerson nodded, though her head throbbed where Toney had pulled her braid. "I'm fine," she said, her voice steady. "We tell no one he was here. We need to find that original document and destroy it. And we need to be ready for whatever he tries next."

They stood for a moment before Kendra said, “Ladies? I don’t know about either of you, but I need a drink. What do you say we go to the Mill Street Tavern?”

Tegan grabbed her purse. “Excellent idea. Em?”

“I’m in,” Emerson said as she scooped up the balled-up document left by Toney and headed out the door.

Emerson was surprised to find the Rolls waiting outside the door. The driver tipped his hat, giving no indication he’d seen her naked, straddling Viktor the night before.

“Mr. Romanov told me to stick around. Is there some place I can take you ladies?”

“Mill Street Tavern,” Emerson replied. “And next time, come inside. It’s too hot to be standing out here.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

He closed the car door behind them, got in the driver’s seat, started the engine, and pulled out of their driveway.

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