Page 24 of Bound By Watchers

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It’d taken some time to make my way to the Domenent’s chamber for dinner. I was pissed at having to make my way back to the highest floor of the tower. Navigating through the hall, I moved with urgency, not wanting to stir a single soul. I could only hope I wasn’t being watched by Vèrtu, who could make themselves invisible. My chest pounded with adrenaline.

I’d give anything to claw out Kiranon’s eyes right about now.

I was as silent as graves, slinking up the spiral stairs. Being raised among the rabble of Kairyen was paying off. It wasn’t long before I stood in front of the Domenent’s suite. The door was bigger than any I’d ever seen. How in the skies was I supposed to get in?

I was too small to shove the thing open without causing a scene. I looked around, sure of my defeat, when I caught a sliver of an opening at the hinges of the door. It was too small to be called an opening, but big enough for me to slip through. I wasted no time slipping through the crack into the Domenent’s chambers.

Gods. The room was made for a king.

From the ornate bed, to the luxurious tapestries against the walls, the fine trims of the curtains, to the gilded tables, and marbled floors, everything was immaculate. Just who was this Domenent?

I looked toward the bed and stilled. When I laid eyes on him, everything in me seized up before being set on fire. I loosed a hot breath.

The Domenent lay on his bed, body splayed over the sheets, completely naked.

“Oh my gods,” I squealed, bringing a hand to my mouth.

I couldn’t stop staring. I drooled at his broad shoulders, muscled back, perfectly round buttocks, and smooth skin. He shifted, moving a leg. The movement was enough for me to see…

Rotting hells.

The space between my thighs grew molten hot. Before I could look away, I was wet for the angel. Relegating myself to deep breaths, I quietly traipsed the chamber and scurried up the steps that led to the platform upholding his bed. I kept my eyes on his back. If I looked anywhere else, I’d be done for.

The Domenent slept like the dead. He made my job far too easy.

I leaned forward and began slipping the roots around his body. The moment I had him tied, I leapt from the stairs, landed lightly, and slipped back through the crack in his door.

Once I was in the outer rooms of his suite, I ran.

Several moments passed before I could catch my breath. While panting, I sensed a presence behind me. I turned and found Kiranon, with a small host of Sky Watchers, floating in the hall behind me.

“I did what you asked. Now release me from this prison.”

Kiranon grinned. The sight made my insides shiver.

“Not so fast, Un’Sèlie. We need to disarm him first.”

“What in the skies does that mean? And what’s it got to do with me?”

His grin stretched.

“So confident. We’ll see if you’re as good as you say.” He pointed to the suite. “Call him. Tell him the Sky Watchers have come for him. If we can subdue the Condemned, you’ll be free of this bargain. If we cannot, your clock is still ticking.”

A physical pain in my gut bowed me over, like I’d been punched hard. This was not part of the original bargain. Guilt riddled my bones, but I turned to obey, regardless. Scurrying back to his suite, I perched across the Domenents bedchamber door. I screamed.

“Domenent! Wake up! The Sky Watchers have come for you!”

Without preamble, Kiranon kicked the doors down. His Sky Watchers barreled in. From where I stood, quick as lightning, the Domenent was on his feet. Noticing the intruders, he snarled.

I watched him with awe, as if seeing it all happen in slow motion.

The Domenent shook his hair, easily broke his bonds, and whipped out his wings. Standing naked and proud, he charged the Sky Watchers. In my periphery, I noticed Kiranon floating by the doors. I squinted, wondering why he wasn’t at the center of the brawl.

When I turned back to the mayhem, I understood.

Somehow the Domenent had dressed himself. His hair swung like ropes as his body moved in a dance, his wings following the rhythm. I watched, flabbergasted. With ease and precision, as if this was a game to him, the Domenent ripped the Sky Watchers to shreds. One by one, their carcasses fell. The entire altercation took minutes.


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