Page 23 of Bound By Watchers

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“Six pairs of wings? It’s only right I get my fair use of them, too.”

He laughed, the sound reverberating through my body. Graceful like a prince, he pushed to his feet, floating into the air. In one swoop, I was in his arms. In a dash of flight through the winding columns of the tower, we were balancing before my chambers. With tenderness, he released me by the door.

“Good rest, Temptress.”

“Join me for breakfast tomorrow?”

He grinned, nodding.

“Okay. Until tomorrow.”

I smiled and turned away.

After letting the door click, I waited a long while until I could no longer hear the rustle of wings. Certain the coast was clear, I rushed to the garderobe, threw open the doors, and dug deep beneath my belongings. When my fingers brushed the glass, I grinned.

Pulling out the whistle, I lifted it high. I brushed the side of it twice. Then, I brought the end to my lips, and blew.


“It’s only been three dawns.” A beat. “We just dropped you off.”

Kiranon’s voice seeped into the room. I half expected him to materialize in my chamber from thin air.

“You’re a fool if you seriously thought I needed longer.”


“Okay, talk. What’s his secret?”

“Binding by roots from the bark found on mist trees.”

Colorful curses rang in the emptiness above my head. I could hear arguing, then even more curses.

“The bastard would require something so burning complicated.” Someone sucked their teeth long in frustration. “Alright. We have that on hand. We’ll be there in under an hòr.”

“What do you mean, hòr?”

“Hours, you dunce. He’ll be there in under an hour. Do you know nothing of the basics of our language?”

I flinched at Nèrvanya’s biting tone. I didn’t answer, feeling frustrated and stupid at the same time. A sudden quiet filled the chamber. Did Kiranon just leave without saying anything? I waited a few more moments and knew. The Sky Watchers were gone.

“Insufferable angels.”

Kicking off my shoes, I stripped out of the gown and changed into something far more practical. Depending on what happened between the Sky Watchers and the Condemned, I didn’t want to be caught at a disadvantage.

I had to admit, I was impressed with myself. I couldn’t believe that was all it took for me to win my freedom from Kairyen and go back home to Elèor. You’d think an angel as ancient as the Domenent would be wise enough to watch his mouth. I scoffed. Males were all the same. Give them enough booze and skin, and they’d easily bend at will.

I looked around at the ornate room and sighed. It was a pity, really. The tower was a dream.

Not long after the call with Kiranon, I heard a shift in the air behind me. Whipping around, I noticed a movement on the bed. I stilled. What could it be? When nothing jumped out, I tiptoed over to see what had changed.

At the center of the bed were long, thick, ivory roots with a sign attached that bore two words.

Bind him.

I cursed. The Sky Watchers mentioned nothing about me physically getting involved. When had restraining the mammoth-sized angel become part of the bargain? I wanted to punch the air. Huffing, I gathered the cords, slid into slippers, and slithered into the quiet hall. The tower was quiet, and lit by the low, yet still shining suns, pouring through the numerous amount of windows.

“Rotting Watchers,” I grumbled.

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