Page 25 of Bound By Watchers

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I turned to Kiranon with widened eyes, demanding he remove me from this prison with this monster.

But Kiranon was gone.

“Where in the burning hells…”

I turned back to the chamber of the Domenent. He had the Sky Watchers piled atop one another. He dusted his hands, shaking them clean. Then he turned, dropping his eyes to me.

I panicked.

His expression was unreadable as he floated my way, closing his doors behind him. I pointed, unable to unsee what he’d just done.

“How in the… who in the… gods.”

“Breathe. This… dance is nothing new for our friends from below. Now, come.”

“Come to where?!” I shrieked, backing away from him.

An uncontrollable tremor shook my hands, slowly creeping into the rest of my arms. The Domenent raised his hands in surrender, taking slow, deliberate steps towards me.

“Temptress,” he warned. “I need you to breathe.”

It was then I realized I was hyperventilating. My shoulders quaked and my hands wouldn’t stop trembling.

“You lied to me,” I hissed.

“And you deceived me. We’re even.”

I pointed to the door.

“That doesn’t make us even. You will tell me who you are.”

“Of course I will.” I hadn’t noticed he’d reached me until he was gently lifting me from the floor. “But first, you must rest.”

“I don’t want rest!” I cried. “I want answers!”

“I’m sure you do,” he cooed, floating through the halls at a languid pace.

Somehow, between the moment he lifted me from the floor, and the time it took to reach my chambers, without realizing it, I’d fallen into a dreamless sleep.


At the touch of sunlight against my cheek, I jerked upright. Whipping my head from side to side, looking around my chamber, a fuzziness clouded my brain. My hands fisted, trembling. My chest tightened. Heat burned my skin as sweat formed at my temples. I looked at the door to my chamber and panicked, trying to make sense of the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Then it all hit me.

Calling the Sky Watchers. Binding the Condemned. Kiranon disappearing. The Condemned killing everyone in sight like it was a light thing for him to do.


Hyperventilating, I bent over in the bed, forcing gulps of air into my chest.

If Mother were here, what would she do?

This was a complete mess. I signed up to clear my name. Not to be imprisoned with some bloodthirsty demon masquerading as an angel. I had to get out of this gods-forsaken tower. I should’ve known the Sky Watchers hadn’t sent me on some simple little errand. If it were that easy, they would have done it themselves.

Terror flooded my bones. I gripped the bedcover close to my heart like a shield. As if I could protect myself with a blanket. How in the skies would I escape the tower? I snorted at the irony. Wasn’t that what the Condemned wanted to do? If he couldn’t escape the tower, how in the skies would I?

I cursed myself and my arrogance. I was a fool, dumb enough to walk into her own trap and get locked away with a monster.


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