Page 2 of Nasty Alpha

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Wolves didn’t exactly age the same ashumans. There was a rumor that something had changed the way they aged. Eloise didn’tknow if it was due to a magical spell done, or if it was wishfulthinking on their part.

“Look, dude, I appreciate youcoming over andinterfering on my turf, but I think it’s only fair that you backthe fuck off!”

She didn’t like this guy. She didn’t evenknow his name, but she had a feeling her sister would love him.Dorothy seemed to love any guy who was even a little rebellious.The older man took a couple of steps, and the moment he was closeto the one who wouldn’t leave her alone, she saw he completelysurrounded him. He was taller, larger, and overall bigger thananyone else.

She couldn’t help but take a step backherself.

“Do you want to think again aboutwhat you said to me?” heasked.

Eloise didn’t quite know what was going onand she looked back and forth between them.

“You know, there doesn’t have to be anytrouble. I’m just leaving.” Rather than stick around to see whatwas happening, and possibly get blamed, she left.Stepping out into the warmnight air, she headed toward the truck.

“So, I take it all men are off your radar?”

She stopped as she got to her truck andspun around to see the older of the two men less than a foot awayfrom her. He’d not madea sound when leaving the bar, and she couldn’t help but glancebehind to see if he’d hurt anyone in his need to get toher.

“No, men are on my radar…”

“Do you want to tell me why you’re notinterested in William?” he asked.

“Who’s William?”

The older man smirked. “The little wolf backin the bar with his tail between his legs.”

“I don’t date wolves,” Eloise said.

“You don’t?”

“Nope. Never have, never will.”

He continued to stare at her and she wastempted to climb into her truck and take off.“What?” she foundherself asking instead.

“You’re the first woman I’ve seen turn goodold Willy down.”

“Well, then I’m sure good old Willy willfind it easy to find areplacement.”

“You’re got a lot of fire inside you,” hesaid.

It was strange, as much as she wanted toleave, she couldn’t help but be curious enough to stay.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No, it’s not. It’s nice to see a woman whodoesn’t fall for the old charm, or every single pickup line in thebook.”

Eloise smiled. It was strange but sheliked that he’dcomplimented her. “You got a name?” she asked.

“You’re interested in my name?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Tell me yours.”

She gasped and then suddenly laughed.“I askedfirst.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be the guystanding out here, notknowing a lady’s name.”

It was wrong for her to be charmed, but shewas. He was the first wolf that had truly made her smile.

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