Page 3 of Nasty Alpha

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“Eloise,” she said. “I’m EloiseRichards.”

She partly expected him not to reciprocate.

“Beau. Beau Alpha.”

“Alpha? That’s your name?”

“Beau Alpha is my name, and it’s a pleasure to meet you,Eloise.”

He tipped his head in her direction andthen without another word, turned and walked back into thebar.


It was refreshing to find a woman who didn’t fall for William’scrap. Beau had seen all the wolves working the women and even themen when the female wolves came out to play. None of them weresubtle in using No Wolves Road as a place to enjoythemselves.

Beau liked to have a drink in Wayne’s barafter a long day of working his ranch. Over the years, he’d worked up quite thereputation for being a nasty alpha, and he was quite proud of it.Grumpy, mean, and not interested in joining the bullshit the otherpacks were up to.

He’d been his own man for a long time, andlike his father before him, he’d never been interested in being part of a pack. It wasconsidered strange for wolves not to gravitate toward a pack. Therewere rumors that some wolves went mad or completely feral. He washappy in his own company, but that didn’t mean others ignoredhim.

He owned the ranch, andthe men and women thathelped him run it were all wolves themselves. Some of them wereoutcasts and not really fit to be part of a pack. They didn’t playnicely with others. He was quite proud of his reputation and itmeant a lot of packs didn’t want him around. There was also thefact that he wasn’t very friendly.

His father had taught him everything he knew, which meanthow to protect his land and his pack from any potential threat, andhe took it very seriously.

His horse, Mildred, stopped next to the fence and he climbedoff, sniffing the air. There were no foreign scents and the fenceswere working. Standing alone in the warm morning air, he couldn’thelp but think about his encounter with the blonde, Eloise. He’dseen her around town a few times and been tempted to approach her.She always seemed so busy, like last night. He couldn’t recall everseeing her slow down.

He also knew he shouldn’t approach herbecause she was tooyoung for him, and he promised himself he’d never devote himself toa human. In fact, he’d never devote himself to a woman. His fatherhad taught him that women were only after a comfortable life. Hisown mother had left the ranch before Beau had turned three becauselife had gotten too hard for her.

Moving toward his horse, he strokedalong her back and thenpatted her chest. It had taken many months for him and Mildred totrust one another. The horse had been way too skittish. Beau hadrescued her from a bad home and wanted her to have a goodlife.

He decided to take a long walk and get rid of his desire forthe blonde that had struck him suddenly. There was no way he wasgiving in to his desires. He was not some horny little schoolboy.The days of him fucking around being unable to control his cockwere long gone. His dick did as he told it, not the other wayaround.

A few hours later, he arrived back at the barn. After givingMildred a scrub down, he let her out into the pasture, which iswhat she loved to do after a morning of working. He arrived back athis ranch and went straight to the fridge. It was rare for thehouse to be empty, but it was. The fridge was alsoempty.

He couldn’t help but grumble, but as helooked at the grocery schedule, he was the one in the wrong. It washis turn. Again, his rules to keep a well-oiled and running ranch.

“Fuck!” He slammed the fridge closed,grabbed his keys, and headed out to his truck. The last thing he wanted to do on a Fridaynight was grocery shopping. This was not what he planned for theevening. He hated grocery shopping any other day of the week, butleaving it to the last minute fucking sucked.

Slamming the door of his truck closed,he realized he had tomore careful, otherwise he’d put a dent in his preciousvehicle.

Turning over the ignition, he drove twentyminutes toward the largest supermarket in No Wolves Road.It was the only place thatstocked everything a pack could need, and he had no doubt thehumans did it on purpose as well. Not only did it give them goodclientele, as wolves were known as being loyal as fuck, they alsoprovided protection to the small town.

He parked his truck, reluctantly grabbeda cart, and headedinside. This explained why the house was silent when he got home.The pack had gone out to eat rather than pick up theslack.

The moment he stepped into thesupermarket, he hated it. The noise, the smells were all irritating to him. He loved kids,but when they screamed, they grated on his nerves. This was a jobthat had to be done and it was his own damn fault for not doing itsooner.

He pushed his cart around, going through the vegetables.Their own vegetable garden had taken a hit with the first rays ofsummer. Carlson, their youngest member, had forgotten to water theplants and all of them died.

Beau had lost count of how long he’d beenthere when he finally got to the bakery section, and there, as ifshe was his reward, stood Eloise Richards, cart to her right, and she wasattempting to reach for a box on the top shelf.

He should ignore her. The right thing to do was pretend hedidn’t even recognize her. Instead, he moved up behind her, reachedup, and grabbed the box, holding it for her to take.

“Thank you,” she said, turning around. Thesmile on her lips didn’t falter, not even when she saw it was himthat had given it to her. “You again.”

“Not who you were expecting?”

“I wasn’t expecting anyone, but thank you.”She glanced behind him. “Doing some shopping?”

“It’s my turn.”

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