Page 26 of From Boss to Boo

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"Yes, well..." I shift in my seat. "The fact is, we took our relationship to more...intimate levels during the recent trip. And now I find myself utterly incapable of going back to how things were."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I'm shocked you finally acted on those lingering sparks. What I want to know is, what are your intentions with Miss Amara?"

"My intentions?" The words catch in my throat. "Ethan, I've never felt this way about anyone before. What I have with Amara goes far beyond a casual dalliance. She's...everything."

He holds up a hand. "Everything she may be, Grayson. But she's also an employee of your company. This relationship carries tremendous risk to both your professional and personal lives."

I stiffen, his words striking a nerve. "You think I don't realize that? I'm well aware of the potential consequences for both of us. But I'll be damned if I'll let stuffy corporate rules deny me someone who makes me feel like she does."

His eyes flash with sympathy and concern. "Take a breath, my friend. You know I only want what's best for you."

Exhaling slowly, I nod. "You're're right. I'm sorry. It's just...Amara sets my soul on fire in a way I didn't think was possible anymore. Not after..."

The unspoken name of my ex hangs heavy in the air between us. He reaches across and grips my shoulder firmly.

"Listen to me. My man. I've seen the look in your eyes when you're with that young woman. It's the look of a man who has found his life's great love. And if that's the truth of what you feel, then you must fight for it with every breath. To hell with propriety!"

His words resonate deep within me, shoring up my resolve. "You're right. I can't let this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime connection slip away due to fear or obligation. Amara is the one. And I'll be damned if I don't move heaven and earth to make her mine."

He slaps me squarely between the shoulder blades, his expression one of unbridled pride. "That's the spirit, my friend! It's time the great Grayson Winthrop stopped giving a damn what others think and finally put his own desires first for once."

I stand, newfound determination coursing through me. "You're right. It's time to stop hiding, to stop denying what's so plainly true. I'm going to make Amara mine, rules and reputation be damned."

He rises with me, his eyes shining. "Then go get her, you magnificent bastard!”

We embrace firmly, two men bonded by decades of struggle and triumph in the office, and out. As I turn to leave, I feel a lightness in my steps that hasn't been there in years.

No more hiding, no more doubts.

It's time to make my move and seize the passionate oblivion we've both craved.

My feet jump into Amara’s office a few moments later, pulling her from her monitor with surprise.

“I need to talk to you.” I say, palms sweating. “Let’s do this for real. Let’s go public.”



Isit in the company break room, replaying the incredible conversation I had with Grayson last night over and over in my mind. His declaration that he wants us to go public with our relationship, to shout our love from the rooftops, fills me with a euphoric mix of elation and trepidation.

To finally be able to hold his hand in the office halls, to share lunch dates unencumbered by secrecy - it's a dream I've fantasized about for months now.

No more furtive glances and charged silences.

Just us, together publicly, with nothing to hide.

A giddy smile spreads across my face as I envision introducing Grayson as my partner at the next company gala. The prestigious power couple, turning heads and shutting down any doubters.

After all, what we share is rare and incredibly special.

So lost am I in my reverie that I don't immediately notice the hushed whispers carrying from the next table over. "Did you hear the latest? Rumor has it Winthrop is giving his new little assistant toy another raise."

My chest tightens as the gleeful, scandalized tones reach my ears. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, and yet I can't seem to unstick myself from my seat.

"Oh honey, that's no rumor," another voice scoffs. "Just look at the way she bats those big doe eyes at him whenever he's around. It's painfully obvious she's been sucking up to the boss, if you know what I mean."

Raucous laughter accompanies the crude insinuation. I feel my face heat with humiliation and outrage. How dare those bitches diminish my talents and achievements to mere sexual politics!

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