Page 27 of From Boss to Boo

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Jaw clenched, I seriously consider whirling around and giving those chatty Cathys a piece of my mind. But what would be the point? Their small, vindictive minds are already made up about me.

This is just a tiny sample of what Grayson and I can expect once our relationship becomes public knowledge. The skepticism, the rumors, the unbearable scrutiny - all because I dared to follow my heart straight into the arms of the city's most eligible bachelor.

A tremor of doubt seizes my heart. Can I truly weather such a storm of venom and judgment, all for the sake of being with the man I love? What if they're right - what if this all blows up in my face and destroys everything I've worked so hard to build?

I need to talk to someone, to get an objective perspective outside the incubator of office gossip. Pushing away from the table, I head for the one person whose counsel I trust completely.

A few hours later, I'm seated across from my best friend Sarah at a quiet cafe, a warm mug of chamomile tea trembling between my palms.

"Grayson asked me to go public with our relationship," I blurt out, needing to purge the tumultuous thoughts rattling around my mind. "As in, openly admit to the world that we're a couple. No more hiding, no more secrecy."

“Hello to you too,” she says, eyes going wide, the other hand shushing the waiter. If anything there's a hint of a proud smile playing on her lips. "Well, it's about damn time you two stopped sneaking around," she proclaims. "You are literally made for each other, Amara. This is amazing news!"

I worry my lower lip, suddenly feeling very unsure. "Is it, though? Don't you realize what this could mean for my career? For both of our reputations? What if someone digs up my past? I know my past is sealed, but still…"

Sarah’s expression softens as she reaches across to squeeze my hand reassuringly.

"Ames, when are you going to realize that love - real, all-consuming, once-in-a-lifetime love like what you have with Grayson - is worth fighting for? Worth risking it all and dealing with some raised eyebrows?"

“O-once in a lifetime? But I–”

“Girl, you listen. I’ve never seen you like this. Not since Jamal back in Junior high. You love him. You finally found your other half. A man worthy of your time!”

Her words resonate within me, chipping away at the veneer of fear and self-doubt. Sarah's right - the connection Grayson and I share is far too precious to simply discard out of propriety or misguided obligation. Not to mention, he’s kind, successful and sophisticated. Any guy I was with before simply pales in comparison.

Over cocktails and countless shared anecdotes, my best friend helps me see the bigger picture. The rampant office speculation is just ephemeral noise. Water off a duck's back compared to the profoundly beautiful journey I've started with Grayson.

By the time we part ways with a fierce hug, my reservations have been sanded away, replaced by a renewed sense of determination. I won't let societal expectations or corporate red tape dictate the circumstances of my happily ever after.

Which is why, when Grayson appears at my doorstep that evening with a hopeful yet apprehensive look, I usher him in and lead him to the sofa without preamble. "We should talk," I murmur, watching the kaleidoscope of emotions flicker across his striking features.

"When I was in the break room earlier, I overheard some of my colleagues...gossiping." I grimace at the word, hating how petty it sounds. "They were speculating that the only reason I've achieved success here is because...well, because I'm sleeping with you."

Grayson's jaw tightens, but he remains silent, letting me continue uninterrupted.

"It's such an insulting insinuation, as if my skills and accomplishments don't stand on their own merits." I shake my head ruefully. "But it's just the tip of the iceberg, isn't it? If we go public, that's the kind of venom and skepticism we'll face at every turn."

Clutching his hands tightly, I stare deep into those piercing eyes that have captivated me from the start.

"And as much as I try to convince myself that the opinions of bitter, small-minded people shouldn't affect me, there's this relentless voice of self-doubt whispering that perhaps...perhaps they're right." My voice cracks with vulnerability. "What if I'm not enough for you, Grayson? What if loving me, being openly associated with me, somehow diminishes the incredible empire you've built?"

The words are like shrapnel tearing from my lips, each one laced with the crippling insecurity that he is simply too good, too accomplished, too extraordinary for someone like me. That our relationship is an ill-fated dream destined to combust under the scrutiny of the real world.

"I'm terrified," I confess in a small voice. "Terrified of the fallout raining down on us from all sides once our relationship transcends the safety of secrecy. Of your powerful family looking down on me, Sophia, and of my own career becoming a laughingstock, of...of losing you because I can't withstand the pressure."

A single tear trails down my cheek as I finally lay myself bare, exposing the deepest fears and vulnerabilities I've kept walled off - until this man came along and gradually dismantled every one of my carefully constructed barriers.

"Tell me it's worth it…" I plead softly. "Tell me that the abundance of love I've found with you can eclipse all the hatred and doubt sure to be thrown our way. Because I need to hear it...I need to hear that our love can withstand any storm and emerge even stronger on the other side."

When I'm finally spent, he pulls me into his powerful embrace, burying his face in the crook of my neck like a man reunited with his oasis.

"I know the risks, perhaps better than anyone. There may very well be turbulent times ahead as we face down the scrutiny side-by-side. But my commitment to you, to us, is absolute and unwavering."

A solitary tear streaks down my cheek, but it's one of relief and overwhelming affirmation, not sorrow. Grayson's devotion washes over me like a balm. With him by my side, standing tall and strong as we charge into the storm together, I feel capable of conquering any obstacles in our path.

"I love you," I whisper fervently. "And I'll fight for us."

Grayson's responding smile is radiant and sure as he captures my lips in a searing kiss.

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