Page 25 of From Boss to Boo

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She's mine, and I'll be damned if I let anyone or anything come between us.

The moment I step back into the office, my worst nightmare comes true. I'm immediately bombarded with a barrage of messages and urgent requests. It seems that in my absence, a major deal has fallen through, and now the entire company is scrambling to pick up the pieces.

I feel a surge of anger wash over me, hot and prickly beneath my skin. This is the trade-off for my sun soaked days with Amara. But no good deed goes unpunished, and now it's all blown up in my face.

But as I storm into my office, barking orders and demanding answers, I feel a gentle hand on my arm. It's her, her brown eyes soft and understanding as she looks up at me.

"Grayson," she says quietly, her voice cutting through the chaos like a beacon in the night. "Take a deep breath, sir. We'll untangle this mess together."

I want to push her away, to tell her that I don't need her help, that I can handle this on my own. But as I look into her eyes, I feel something inside me surrender.

She's right.

We're a team now, and we'll face this challenge together.

And the thought drives me wild.

I think I’m really falling for this woman.

“Let’s start with something simple.” She says, distracting me from my growing list of needs, if only for a second.

“Like what?” I ask quickly.

“We need coffee, don’t we?” She suggests with a half smile. She’s right. One thing at a time.

We work side by side, pouring over contracts and financial statements, looking for any way to salvage the deal and keep the company afloat. The stress and intensity of the situation bring us even closer, and I find myself relying on her calm demeanor and quick thinking more than ever before.

It turns late as we're hunched over a pile of papers in my office, I feel a sudden surge of desire wash over me. The way the lamplight plays off her skin, the soft curve of her neck, the intensity of her focus - it's all too much to resist.

She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. Hardworking, driven, knows I’m a grumpy workaholic. And what’s more, she’s been in the financial trenches with me all day, she knows how tense this work can be, and it doesn’t scare her.

Before I can stop myself, I'm pulling her into my arms, my lips crashing down on hers in a passionate kiss. She responds instantly, her body melting into mine as we lose ourselves in the heat of the moment.

But even as we come up for air, gasping, I feel a flicker of doubt in the back of my mind. What are we doing? We're supposed to be keeping our relationship under wraps, not making out like teenagers in my office.

I pull away, running a hand through my hair as I try to collect my thoughts. "Amara," I say roughly, my voice hoarse with emotion. "We can't do this here. We have to be careful."

She cocks her head to the side, one hand on her hip, and says, “Then you probably shouldn't kiss me like that, sir.”

Her voice sends a quiver through me. But she’s right. I should control myself. I’m the boss here, aren't I? Doesn’t that mean I can do what I want?

But I also know that going public with our relationship could have serious consequences for our careers. I'm the CEO of a major company, and she's my subordinate. There are rules against this kind of thing, and I don't want to put her in a position where she feels like she has to choose between me and her job.

I sigh, my mind spinning with the weight of the decision before me. I need some advice, some perspective from someone I trust.

Later that day, I find myself sitting across from Ethan, my best friend and closest confidant. He's been by my side through every major milestone, every upheaval in my career.

"I need your counsel on a...personal matter," I begin, rubbing my temples wearily.

He arches an eyebrow but says nothing, allowing me to gather my thoughts.

"It's about Amara. My assistant..." I trail off, unsure of how to label the depth of my feelings for her. "She's become more than just an employee. We've grown extremely close during our time together."

Understanding dawns in Ethan’s eyes. "You finally found an assistant who can handle you, huh? How bad is it?"

I nod, feeling like a weight has been lifted by giving voice to the truth. "Worse than I could have imagined. Amara...she's remarkable. Intelligent, driven, insightful. And beautiful, good god, is she beautiful. I’ve got it bad.”

The hint of a smile plays across his lips. "I'm not surprised. You two have incredible chemistry - anyone with eyes could see that."

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