Page 69 of When I Was His

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Finley shook his head, exasperated. "That’s not what I meant. Matthew, help me out here."

Matthew raised his hands in surrender. "I’m staying out of this one. You’re the one with the words."

Finley sighed. "Look, I just want what's best for you. You seem to be stuck to this guy like glue."

"Because I love him," I declared, my heart swelling at the thought of Oliver.

My brothers exchanged surprised glances, their mouths agape. It had only been a month, but my feelings for Oliver were undeniable and deep.

"Does Oliver know that?" Matthew interjected, his brow furrowing with concern.

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. "Yeah, he was the one who said it first."

"You two are diving in headfirst," Matthew remarked.

I shrugged. "Why is that a problem?"

"It’s not, but it’s happening pretty fast. How long have you been together, two or three weeks?" Matthew inquired.

"A month," I replied, trying to gauge their reactions.

Our conversation was momentarily interrupted by the arrival of our drinks. I had initially ordered an iced tea, but feeling the tension rise, I changed my mind and asked for a vodka cranberry. I needed something to take the edge off.

"I’m not thirteen anymore," I muttered as I accepted the drink.

"We know that," Finley said, his tone softening. "But this isn’t some high school fling. He’s older."

"I'm aware," I replied, a hint of frustration creeping into my voice. "I don’t give you grief about your random hookups."

"They're not random," Finley protested. "I know those women, and I’m not looking for anything serious. But what makes you think a catch like Oliver wants a committed relationship?"

"Because he told me he does, and I believe him," I stated firmly.

My brothers exchanged skeptical glances, but before they could retort, Matthew shifted the conversation to a lighter topic, sharing details about a new client of his. I silently thanked him for the reprieve.

"Have you seen Ty lately?" Finley suddenly asked, changing the subject.

I hesitated, masking my unease. "Not in a couple of weeks. He’s been swamped. The last time we met for lunch, he could barely keep his eyes open."

"I should give him a call," Finley mused.

"He could call you," I pointed out.

"He’s busy," Finley insisted.

I had been avoiding Ty because I feared he would press me about our father’s murder investigation again. I hadn’t divulged to my brothers that Ty was looking into it, and I didn’t plan to. They had moved on, but for me, it was still a raw wound, especially since they weren’t there when it happened.

As we savored our meal, the tension that had gripped us earlier gradually dissipated. We laughed, shared stories, and for a moment, it felt like old times. Just as we were wrapping up, Finley's phone rang, pulling him back into the fast-paced world of his work.

With a resigned eye-roll, Finley hastily threw some bills on the table, planting a quick kiss on my cheek and clapping Matthew on the shoulder before darting off to address the urgent issue. Watching him go, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Finley and Oliver - both driven, focused, and always ready to leap into action when duty called.

“No more,” I panted, pushing Oliver’s head from between my legs. He had been more than generous tonight, giving me several orgasms. I didn’t want his tongue but he couldn’t seem to get enough of me.

“One more. You taste so good.”

“No more,” I repeated. “I need to sleep.”

Earlier that evening was the first time I sucked Oliver off. He was reluctant to let me do it but I insisted. I liked giving blowjobs. He felt he needed to repay me for what I did when I told him it wasn’t necessary. If we were keeping score, he gave me far more orgasms than I gave him.

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